Drinking Water Lead and Copper Program
The Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) protects public health by minimizing lead and copper levels in drinking water, primarily by reducing corrosion of plumbing materials. This rule applies to all community water systems (CWSs) and non-transient non-community water systems (NTNCs). On this page, find a link to Texas Drinking Water Watch (DWW), instructions, guidance, forms and information for public water systems (PWSs), laboratories, and the public.
Lead & Copper Tap Monitoring
These lists contain the PWS's scheduled to collect Lead and Copper Tap samples.
- 2024 Lead and Copper 6M1 List - Sampling occurs during January 1 through June 30, 2024
- 2024 Lead and Copper Reduced Monitoring List - Sampling occurs during June 1 through September 30, 2024
- 2024 Lead and Copper 6M2 List - Sampling occurs during July 1 through December 31, 2024
Water Quality Parameter Monitoring
These lists contain the PWS’s scheduled to collect Water Quality Parameter (WQP) samples.
- WQP Sampling 6M1 2025 List - Sampling occurs during January 1 through June 30, 2025
- WQP Sampling Annual 2025 List - Sampling occurs during January 1 through December 31, 2025
The information below includes the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sampling guidance along with PWS instructions and homeowner instructions. The PWS recommendations and guidance are to assist you in your sampling events.
- Initial or Routine 6M Monitoring Period Instructions- Instructions for public water systems scheduled for initial and routine tap sampling.
- Reduced Monitoring PWS Instructions- Instructions for public water systems scheduled to perform reduced (annual or three year) tap sampling.
- Guidance on Classification Tiers- Guidance to support C and NTNC water systems in classifying their LCR sample site tiering.
- Homeowner instructions - English
Homeowner instructions - Spanish
- Instructions for homeowners preforming tap sampling within their home, available in both English and Spanish.
Table 1: Action Levels and Reduced Monitoring Levels for Lead and Copper
Action Level (AL) | 0.015 mg/L | 1.3 mg/L |
Reduced Monitoring Level (RML) | 0.005 mg/L | 0.65 mg/L |
Table 2: Number of Tap Samples Required for Initial/Routine and Reduced Monitoring based on population served.
System Size (number of people served) | Number of Sites for Initial/Routine Monitoring | Number of Sites for Reduced Monitoring (1YR, 3YR, or 9YR) |
More than 100,000 | 100 | 50 |
10,001 to 100,000 | 60 | 30 |
3,301 to 10,000 | 40 | 20 |
501 to 3,300 | 20 | 10 |
101 to 500 | 10 | 5 |
100 or fewer | 5 | 5 |
Initial Sampling: Systems must complete two (2) rounds of consecutive six-month sampling. The monitoring periods for collection are:
6M1: Jan 1 - June 30, analytical results are due to TCEQ no later than July 10
6M2: July 1 - Dec 31, analytical results are due to TCEQ no later than Jan 10
Reduced Sampling: Systems that have successfully completed their two rounds of initial sampling may be reduced to 1 year or 3-year sampling based on their 90th percentile lead and copper sampling during their initial sampling period. Reduced monitoring has a second requirement of a seasonal sampling period.
Reduced: Jun 1 - Sept 30, analytical results are due to TCEQ no later than Oct 10
Lead and Copper Tap Sampling Forms
PWSs are required to use these forms when conducting Lead and Copper Rule sampling. All sampling site addresses should be reviewed before sampling and updated if needed.
Sample Site Selection and Materials Survey
- Form 20467a: Sample Site Selection and Materials Survey for Sampling Pool CWS
Form 20467b: Sample Site Selection and Materials Survey for Sampling Pool NTNC
- Form 20467a/b (Sample Site Selection Form) is used to activate and inactivate sample points for Lead and Copper Tap Sampling. Form “a” is used for community water systems (CWSs) while Form “b” is used for non-transient non- community (NTNC) systems.
- For a video overview of this form with an explanation of how to complete, continue to the Lead and Copper YouTube Channel
Lead and Copper Chain of Custody
Form 20683: Lead and Copper Tap- Chain of Custody/Monitoring Form- This form is used to report Lead and Copper tap samples to laboratories.
- For a video overview of this form with an explanation of how to complete, continue to the Lead and Copper YouTube Channel
Lead Consumer Notice
- Community PWS: Form 20680a: Lead Consumer Notice (LCN) CWS (English), Form 20680a-esp: Lead Consumer Notice (LCN) CWS (Spanish): CWSs use to report and certify customer lead results after the PWS receives the analytical results back from the laboratory.
- NTNC PWS: Form 20680b: Lead Consumer Notice (LCN) NTNC (English), Form 20680b-esp: Lead Consumer Notice (LCN) NTNC (Spanish): NTNC PWSs use to report and certify customer lead results after the PWS receives the analytical results back from the laboratory.
- Only one LCN per MP needs to be submitted to TCEQ.
Treatment Change Notification
- Form 20807: Notification of Treatment Start Date - PWSs utilize this form to report new source or new treatment in water system.
Water Quality Parameters (WQPs) help assess how corrosive water is in the distribution system. Public water systems (PWSs) with over 50,000 people, new PWSs (regardless of population), and those exceeding action levels (ALs) must test for WQPs.
WQP Analytes
Table 1: Analytes Tested for WQPs.
pH | Conductivity | Iron | Sulfate |
Alkalinity | Calcium | Manganese | Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) |
Temperature | Chloride | Sodium | Hardness |
*Also, an inhibitor such as orthophosphate and/or silica, if added.
Form 20679: WQP Chain of Custody/Monitoring Form- This form should be used to report WQP analytical and field results.
- For a video overview of this form with an explanation of how to complete, continue to the Lead and Copper YouTube Channel
- Water Quality Parameter Sampling Instructions - Instructions on how to collect, analyze and report WQPs.
- WQP Sampling Example Standard Operating Procedure - The information in this SOP provides the foundational steps for WQP sampling. It includes the minimum requirements to ensure PWS sampling personnel correctly measure pH and temperature in the field and properly collect, document, and handle WQP samples.
Water Quality Parameter (WQP) Sampling
Table 2: Number of Water Quality Parameter samples required for Initial/Routine and Reduced Monitoring based on population served.
System Size (number of people served) | Number of Sites for Initial/Routine monitoring | Number of Sites for Reduced monitoring |
More than 100,000 | 25 | 10 |
10,001 to 100,000 | 10 | 7 |
3,301 to 10,000 | 3 | 3 |
501 to 3,300 | 2 | 2 |
101 to 500 | 1 | 1 |
100 or fewer | 1 | 1 |
***The number of samples listed above are sampled quarterly - twice within a six-month monitoring period.
6M1 WQP samples (Results due to TCEQ by July 10th): Collect half the posted sample requirement in each quarter of the 6M monitoring period.
- Quarter 1 (January 1st – March 31st)
- Quarter 2 (April 1st – June 30th)
6M2 WQP samples (Results due to TCEQ by January 10th): Collect half the posted sample requirement in each quarter of the 6M monitoring period.
- Quarter 3 (July 1st – September 30th)
- Quarter 4 (October 1st – December 31st)
Optimal Water Quality Parameter (OWQP) Sampling
OWQP samples:- are required for systems that have initiated treatment following action level exceedance requirements and/or have approved OWQP ranges.
- are collected for process control biweekly at all active entry points and quarterly at representative locations in distribution.
- are reported to TCEQ during any monitoring period in which the system collects lead and copper tap samples.
- include pH, alkalinity, and inhibitor*.
(*such as orthophosphate and/or silica, if added.)
Form 20955: OWQP Monitoring Form / Chain of Custody- This form should be used to report OWQP samplesFor TCEQ to utilize sample analysis data, each sample must be analyzed by a National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) Accredited laboratory or a TCEQ approved laboratory utilizing approved/accepted sampling methods and adhering to the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
- Allowable Analytical Methods for LCR and WQP Compliance Samples: This list contains the allowable laboratory analytical methods for lead and copper and water quality parameter compliance samples.
- Please note that Initial and Routine WQP samples, including field measurements for pH and temperature, must be collected in the presence of an individual holding a valid water operator's license. If a PWS is unable to collect these field measurements, a TCEQ approved laboratory can be contracted to collect these samples.
Lead and Copper Tap Sampling
Lead and copper samples must be analyzed by a laboratory that is NELAP accredited in the "Drinking Water" matrix using an EPA approved drinking water analysis method.
- Guidance for Collection, Analysis and Reporting of Lead and Copper Samples under the Lead and Copper Rule (QAPP Addendum 2).
- TCEQ NELAP Accredited Laboratories List: Laboratories accredited by the State of Texas under NELAP and the sampling methods they are accredited for.
Water Quality Parameter Sampling
Water quality parameter samples must be analyzed by a laboratory that is NELAP accredited in the "Drinking Water" matrix or a TCEQ approved laboratory using acceptable drinking water sampling methods.
- Guidance for Collection, Analysis and Reporting of Water Quality Parameters under the Lead and Copper Rule (QAPP Addendum 3).
- TCEQ NELAP Accredited Laboratories List- Laboratories accredited by the State of Texas under NELAP and the sampling methods they are accredited for.
- Approved Public Water System Drinking Water Labs- Each public water system that analyzes one or more water quality parameters in house is considered to be a laboratory and needs to be approved. To become a PWS Drinking Water Approved Lab submit a copy of your Drinking Water Laboratory Approval Form to the TCEQ WSD Laboratory approval coordinator.
Texas Drinking Water Public Laboratories Maps
TCEQ has developed the following maps to help you locate NELAP accredited public laboratories across the state of Texas that offer lead and copper or water quality parameter testing. Once a laboratory near you has been identified, utilize their contact information to confirm their address, sample drop off hours, and prices.
- Lead and Copper Tap Testing Laboratories Map - Map containing the location and contact information for approved Tap testing laboratories.
- Water Quality Parameter Testing Laboratories Map - Map containing the location and contact information for approved WQP testing laboratories.
- To find additional laboratory information, view the Texas Drinking Water Public Laboratories Map and the PWS Laboratory Map Table found on the PWSSP webpage.
Action levels for lead (0.015 mg/L) and copper (1.3 mg/L) are based on the 90th percentile calculation. If a PWS exceeds these levels, it must conduct water quality parameter sampling at entry points and distribution, as well as lead and copper sampling at entry points and taps. The PWS uses these results to recommend source water treatment, designate optimal corrosion control treatment, and conduct a corrosion control study. Exceeding the lead action level also requires Lead Public Education (LPE) delivery and posting.
***For a diagram depicting the timeline of these events, please continue to the Action Level Exceedance (ALE) Highway.
Lead Public Education
- Form 20681a: Lead Exceedance Public Education (LPE) (English), Form 20681a: Lead Exceedance Public Education (LPE) (Spanish): Lead Public Education document for Community
- Form 20681b: Lead Exceedance Public Education (LPE) - NTNC Businesses
Form 20681c: Lead Exceedance Public Education (LPE) - NTNC Schools
- These forms are used to inform the public about elevated lead levels, and its effects, for communities, businesses, and schools.
Lead Public Education Guidance
- EPA Lead Public Education Implementation - Community
- EPA Lead Public Education Implementation - NTNC
- EPA Lead Public Education Posters
Treatment Recommendations and Certifications after All Action Level Exceedances
- Form 20755: Source Water Treatment Recommendation- Use lead and copper source water sample results to recommend treatment within six months following the end of exceeded monitoring period.
- Form 20884: Optimal Corrosion Control Treatment Recommendation- Use WQP results to recommend treatment within six months following the end of the exceeded monitoring period.
- Form 20495: Corrosion Control Study and Treatment Recommendations- Submit a corrosion control study within twelve months following the end of the exceeded monitoring period.
- Form 20799: Corrosion Control Treatment Installation Completion Certification- Submit installation certification within twenty-four months following the end of the exceeded monitoring period.
- Form 20853: Optimal WQP (OWQP) Recommendation- Submit OWQP recommendation within three months after the two consecutive six-month tap and WQP post installation sampling events are complete.
Optimal Corrosion Control Treatment Resources
- Optimal Corrosion Control Treatment Evaluation Technical Recommendations : Technical recommendations that both systems and primacy agencies can use to comply with Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) corrosion control treatment requirements and to evaluate and designate optimal corrosion control treatment (OCCT) more effectively.
- Lead and Copper Corrosion Bench-Scale Testing Guidance Manual : Guidance from the Colorado Department of Public Health on using a desktop study to evaluate OCCT. Including situations that necessitate corrosion testing, typical corrosion testing approaches, and processes for conducting a bench-scale immersion test.
Texas Drinking Water Watch holds the information for public water systems and is open to the public. Use this database to view sample results, schedules, violations, and public notice due dates.
For more information, please go to the TCEQ Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRR) webpage.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced final revisions to the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for lead and copper under the authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act on December 16, 2021. More information from EPA on the LCRR can be found on EPA’s Review of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation: Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) webpage.
EPA also announced an additional update to lead and copper rules called Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), to strengthen key elements of LCRR. According to EPA, finalization of this additional rulemaking is expected prior to October 16, 2024.
On November 30, 2023, EPA announced the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) and on December 6, 2023, EPA published the proposed LCRI in the Federal Register .
TCEQ is offering a free statewide program to help eligible participants conduct voluntary sampling and analysis for lead in drinking water at their schools and childcare facilities.
Helpful Links and Contact Information
TCEQ, Lead and Copper Program
P. O. Box 13087,MC-155
Austin, TX 78711-3087
Phone (512) 239-4691 Fax (512) 239-6050
Lead and Copper YouTube Channel
Lead and Copper Regulations Texas Administrative Code §290.117
TCEQ's Financial, Managerial, and Technical (FMT) Assistance program offers free financial, managerial, and technical assistance to help public water and wastewater systems comply with regulations.