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Outstanding Public Drinking Water System Award

Criteria for this award program, how to qualify for this award, the link to the application form, and the link to previous recipients of the award.

This award recognizes overall excellence in all aspects of operating a public water system (PWS). To be recognized, a PWS must go above and beyond the minimum standards in protecting public health and ensuring reliable operation.

Public Drinking Water Recognition Application Form


PWSs that receive the Outstanding Public Drinking Water System Award must meet the following criteria:

  • Met the criteria for being recognized as a superior PWS. These criteria are established by rule in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Subsection 290.47(a), Appendix A .
  • Exceeded the capacity requirements for production, total storage, service pump capacity, and pressure maintenance.
  • Promoted year-round water conservation.
  • Implemented a source water protection program.
  • Has no violations of the primary drinking water standards, no enforcement action(s), unresolved violation(s) from the Water Supply Division, from the Office of Compliance and Enforcement, and from the U.S. EPA within the last three years.
  • Must have a cross-connection control program which meets the criteria listed in 30 TAC 290.44(h) and 30 TAC 290.46(i-j) and must meet Criteria (A1-6) located at this weblink:
  • The PWS has not received this award in the last two years.

How can my PWS become eligible for this award?

This award recognizes overall excellence in all aspects of operating a public water system. Review the Criteria and submit supporting documentation for each Criterion listed.

If you would like to know more about how you can make your water system eligible, contact the Emergency Preparedness and Response staff and ask to speak with the Public Drinking Water Awards Recognition Program manager.

Previous Award Recipients