Readily Available Permit: Engine Power Generation
This New Source Review (NSR) initial permit authorizes operations of up to ten diesel-fired engines and up to ten associated diesel storage tanks for the purpose of power generation.
The application workbook contains step-by-step instructions, specific qualifying criteria, and technical information including emission calculations, the Best Available Control Technology, and the draft Special Conditions.
If you cannot meet the qualifying criteria or do not agree with the technical representations in the workbook, you will receive notice that the application has been voided and you should seek a different type of authorization as appropriate. Refer to Types of New Source Review Authorizations.
To Apply for the Readily Available Permit: Engine Power Generation
- Complete the RAP: PowerEngine Workbook
- Attach the following application materials:
- Process Flow Diagram
- Current Area Map
- Plot Plan
- Engine supporting documentation and stack test data
- Tank emission program output files if diesel tanks(s) are involved
- Printout from Emissions Inventory if baseline emissions are used in the federal applicability determination
- The current version number is 2.1. If this version number does not match the version number listed on the Instructions sheet of the workbook, please clear your browser cache or refresh your screen
- Amendment: English; Spanish; and Instructions.
- Submit the completed RAP: PowerEngine workbook electronically through STEERS.
- Submit all required attachments electronically through STEERS, email, or TCEQ FTPS.
- Pay the fee via ePay during the STEERS submittal process.
- Minimum engine parameters:
- 25 ft release height
- 0.66 ft diameter v
- 828°F exit temperature
- Short term and annual emission limits by pollutant
Questions? We Can Help
If you have questions about Readily Available Permits, please contact us.