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Guidance for Air New Source Review Permits

Guidance documents for standard permits, general NSR permits, and individual air permits.

General Guidance Documents for New Source Review Permitting

Guidance for complying with air permitting regulations and for completing applications for air new source review permits. Use this general guidance along with guidance for the specific type of facility.

NSR Guidance Documents for Agricultural Sources

Guidance for obtaining permits for new facilities or modifications to existing facilities that will result in increased air emissions. For specific facilities related to agricultural activities - for example, cotton gins, dairies, feedlots, feed mills, fertilizer handling or storage.

NSR Guidance Documents for Chemical Sources

Guidance for obtaining permits for new facilities or modifications to existing facilities that will result in increased air emissions. For activities and facilities associated with the production, storage, or transfer of significant volumes of chemicals.

NSR Guidance Documents for Coating Sources

This page provides guidance for obtaining permits for new or modified facilities including surface coating, abrasive blasting, degreasing, fiberglass reinforced plastics, cultured marble, printing, and paint manufacturing.

NSR Guidance Documents for Combustion Sources

This page provides guidance for obtaining permits for new or modified facilities including turbines, engines, boilers, heaters, and incinerators.

NSR Guidance Documents for Mechanical Sources

Guidance for obtaining permits for new facilities or modifications to existing facilities that will result in increased air emissions.

Historical Policy and Guidance Memos for New Source Review and Permits by Rule

Policy and guidance memos for New Source Review and Permits by Rule.

New Source Review: De Minimis Facilities

A list of de minimis facilities and a document outlining the steps for amending the list. This page also links to the relevant rule at 30 TAC 116.119.

Policy and Guidance Memos for New Source Review

NSR Guidance Memos

Policy and Guidance Memos for Permits by Rule

Policy memos for Permits by Rule.

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