Air PBRs of Subchapter V
Air permits by rule for equipment, facilities, or operations related to thermal control devices.
Air PBR 106.491: Dual-Chamber Incinerators
Dual-chamber incinerators that burn only waste generated on site or illegal drugs confiscated by federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies are permitted by rule if designed and operated as stated in 30 TAC Sections 106.4 and 106.491. This PBR must be claimed before construction may begin. Recordkeeping requirements are discussed.
Air PBR 106.492: Flares
Smokeless gas flares that meet the conditions of 30 TAC Sections 106.492 and 106.4 are permitted by rule. Links to relevant forms, guidance, and rules.
Air PBR 106.494: Non-commercial Incinerators and Crematories
Crematories and noncommercial incinerators used to dispose of pathological waste and carcasses are permitted by rule if designed and operated according to the specific conditions stated in 30 TAC Sections 106.4 and 106.494. This PBR must be claimed before construction may begin. Recordkeeping requirements are discussed.
Air PBR 106.495: Heat Cleaning Devices
Ovens, furnaces, direct-flame incinerators, and other devices used to thermally remove residual combustible or semicombustible materials from noncombustible electrical or mechanical parts are permitted by rule if they meet the conditions stated in 30 TAC Sections 106.4 and 106.495. This PBR must be claimed before construction may begin. Recordkeeping requirements are discussed.
Air PBR 106.496: Air Curtain Incinerators
Air curtain incinerators that meet the conditions of 30 TAC Section 106.496 and 106.4 are permitted by rule. Links to relevant forms, guidance, and rules.
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