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Red River Compact Commission

Description and history of the Red River Compact Commission. Commissioners and TCEQ Interstate Compact Coordinator contact information. Contact information of the legal counsel assigned to the Red River Compact Commission by the Texas Attorney General's Office. Date of the annual meeting.


The intrastate Red River Compact Commission represents Texas on the interstate Red River Compact Commission to ensure that Texas receives its equitable share of quality water from the Red River and its tributaries as apportioned by the Compact. The Compact includes the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.


The Texas intrastate Red River Compact Commission (RRCC) is authorized by Chapter 46 of the Texas Water Code. The Compact was signed by representatives of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana and the United States on May 12, 1978. The Compact has been ratified by each state, approved by Congress, and signed by the President. Thus, the Compact represents both state and federal law. The Compact allocates the waters of the Red River and its tributaries between the four states and establishes an interstate Red River Compact Commission to administer the Compact. Texas is represented on the interstate Red River Compact Commission by the Executive Director of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and by one commissioner who is appointed by the governor for a term of six years.


Chapter 46 Texas Water Code


The Honorable Robin Phillips
Red River Compact Commissioner
Sherman, Texas 75090
Telephone: 903-814-7273
Term expires: Feb. 1, 2029
The Honorable Kelly Keel
Red River Compact Commissioner
P.O. Box 13087, MC-109
Austin, TX 78711-3087
Telephone: 512-239-3607
Fax: 512-239-3939
Term expires: Term same as TCEQ Executive Director



Scott Van Winkle, Ph.D.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 13087, MC-160
Austin, TX 78711
Phone: 512-239-4696
Fax: 512-239-2214


H. Carl Myers
Office of the Attorney General
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711
Phone: 512-475-4089
Fax: 512-320-0052


The 44th Annual Meeting of the Red River Compact Commission will be held on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. (CDT) at the Quartz Mountain Lodge, 22469 Lodge Road, Lone Wolf, Oklahoma.

2024 Annual Meeting Agenda

Information Links

Red River Compact Commission, Oklahoma Water Resources Board

Red River Compact Commission, Arkansas Natural Resources Commission

Red River Compact Commission, State of Louisiana

Texas Water Development Board, Red River Basin

Upper Red River Basin, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Lower Red River Basin, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Red River Valley Association

Red River Authority/Clean Rivers Program