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Sludge Transporter Reporting

Information on reporting requirements for sludge transporters, including record keeping and annual summary reports.

To comply with the recordkeeping requirements for sludge transporters, keep accurate records and file reports on time. Record each waste collection and disposal on a separate trip ticket, and file an accurate Annual Summary Report - Form 00316 each year.

Keep Your Records up to Date

If you transport sludge wastes, you can ensure that your records stay up to date in these ways:

  • Keep up with your trip tickets (also called waste manifests.)
  • If you deliver wastes to "beneficial use sites," keep the additional documentation needed for this activity.
  • Watch for discrepancies between the information in your records and the wastes you transport.

File Your Annual Summary Report on Time Each Year

As a registered sludge transporter, you must file an Annual Summary Report, TCEQ-00316 by July 1 each year. This report summarizes the waste that you transported from June 1 of one year through May 31 of the subsequent year. Each line of the report shows the total amount of each type of waste transported to a receiver during that reporting period. Use your trip tickets for that reporting period to get the information needed to complete your ASR, but do not list each trip ticket on the report.

For more details on reporting requirements and what forms need completed, review the information in Transporting Sludge Wastes in Texas: A Guide to Registration, Operating, and Reporting (RG-309). For state rules regarding sludge use, disposal, and transportation, see Title 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 312, Subchapter G .

Contact us in one of the following ways:

  • E-mail:
  • Phone:512/239-6413
  • Fax: 512/239-6410
  • Postal address:
    Sludge Transporter Registration Program, MC-129
    Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
    PO Box 13087
    Austin, TX 78711-3087