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Hydrostatic Test Water Discharges: Obtaining Coverage Under General Permit No. TXG670000

Steps to obtain coverage under the Hydrostatic Test Water General Permit TXG670000, which authorizes the discharge of water resulting from a hydrostatic test of a vessel into or adjacent to water in the state. Links to forms and guidance.

Effective October 21, 2020, applicants must submit the application forms using the online e-permitting system or request and obtain an electronic reporting waiver. Electronic reporting waivers are non- transferable and expire on the same date as the authorization.

You must obtain authorization before discharging hydrostatic test water into or adjacent to water in the state. The following steps will help determine if you qualify for coverage under this general permit:

Step 1. Review the facility's compliance history ranking (HTML):

  • If the facility has a ranking of “high performer”, “satisfactory performer,” or "inadequate information," continue with Step 2.
  • If the compliance history ranking of “unsatisfactory performer,” then the facility is not eligible for coverage under a general permit. You must apply for an individual permit.

Step 2. Read the Hydrostatic Test General Permit TXG670000 to ensure it is applicable your situation.

  • If the general permit does NOT apply, you may need to obtain an individual permit.
  • If the general permit does apply, continue with Step 3.

Step 3. Determine if a Notice of Intent is required to obtain coverage under the general permit.

  • If you are hydrostatically testing one of the following types of vessels, you do not need to submit a NOI to obtain coverage under the general permit. You simply comply with the requirements of the general permit.
    • a new vessel,
    • an existing vessel that contains or previously contained or transferred raw or potable water, or
    • an existing vessel that previously contained only elemental gases (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc.).
  • If you are hydrostatically testing an existing vessel that previously contained petroleum substances or waste related to petroleum substances, you must submit the application forms using the online e-permitting system using these instructions or request and obtain an electronic reporting waiver.
  • This general permit does not authorize discharges adjacent to water in the state (e.g., land application or evaporation) from activities that are regulated by the Texas Railroad Commission (RRC), including crude oil and natural gas facilities. Discharges from these facilities into water in the state may be authorized under theTXG670000 general permit.

NOTE: If you are discharging to an MS4, you must submit a copy of the NOI and Notice of Termination to the operator of that system at the same time you submit them to the TCEQ. MS4s can include things such as ditches, streets, gutters, manmade channels, etc., which are maintained by entities such as the city, state, county, drainage district, etc.

How to Apply

Application Submittal

Effective October 21, 2020, applicants must submit the application forms using the online e-permitting system or request and obtain an electronic reporting waiver. Electronic reporting waivers are not transferable and expire on the same date as the authorization to discharge.

Paper Forms

To request paper forms, please call:

  • TCEQ Industrial Permits Team at 512-239-4671 to obtain the paper application forms; and
  • TCEQ Compliance Monitoring Team at 512-239-2545 to obtain paper Discharge Monitoring Report forms.

For additional guidance on setting up an account to submit the application forms using the online e-permitting system, please review the TCEQ Regulatory Guidance document A Guide to Creating an Account in STEERS E-Permitting (TCEQ Form RG-531a).

Complying With Your Permit

After obtaining coverage:

  • Adhere to the requirements of the general permit.
  • Submit Discharge Monitoring Reports online, as required.
  • Submit a Notice of Change (NOC) if you failed to submit any relevant facts, submitted incorrect information in an NOI, or if any previously submitted information has changed.
  • Submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) when all discharges authorized by the permit are eliminated, completed, or if the operator or owner changes.

Annual Fees

Coverage continues to be active until the permittee submits a Notice of Termination. An annual water quality fee of $100 will accrue on September 1st of each year that the permit is active. TCEQ will mail an invoice for the annual fees each year to the billing contact identified in your application.

Contact us if you have questions.