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Wastewater Pretreatment: Requirements and Options

Pretreatment requirements for POTWS

HOT Mandatory Pre-Application Meetings for Program Modifications

Starting January 1, 2021, the TCEQ Pretreatment Team will be requiring mandatory pre-application meetings on all nonsubstantial and substantial program modification submissions. This new process is being established in order to ensure that all of the appropriate information is included in the program modification submissions, and it will also provide the framework for open communication and time-efficient reviews. Please contact the TCEQ Pretreatment Team at to set up a pre-application meeting at least two weeks prior to the official submission of any nonsubstantial or substantial program modifications.

Dental Offices: Wastewater Discharge Rule

Requirements for discharging wastewater from dental offices including those that place or remove dental amalgam. Who is regulated and who is exempt, rules, reporting, and best management practices to implement.

What is Wastewater Pretreatment?

Definition of wastewater pretreatment and what it encompasses.

Wastewater pretreatment definition, requirements, regulations, and reporting for publicly owned treatment works and industry, and wastewater pretreatment training opportunities.

Related Categories

Information for POTWs with an Approved Pretreatment Program

Establishing, operating, and sustaining a TPDES wastewater pretreatment program for a publicly owned treatment works (POTW). Local limits. When and how to make modifications. Reporting requirements.

Information for POTWs without an Approved Pretreatment Program

Determining whether elements of a pretreatment program make sense for your POTW. How to stay aware of changing conditions that might require you to develop a pretreatment program. Options for POTWs when pretreatment is not required.

TPDES Permit: Pretreatment Requirements

Pretreatment permit requirements for POTWs

Topics Under this Category

Industrial Wastewater Dischargers to a POTW: Am I Regulated?

How to determine if your wastewater discharge is regulated by your local POTW or TCEQ.

Categorical Industrial Users: Categories and Requirements

List of industrial categories with links to their pretreatment regulations and Requirements for CIUs, including monitoring, record keeping and submittal of reports.

Wastewater Pretreatment Training and Seminars

List of upcoming workshops, seminars and training opportunities regarding wastewater pretreatment.