Watermaster Advisory Committees
Responsibilities of watermaster advisory committees, how they are established, and links to basin committees.
What are Watermaster Advisory Committees?
Watermaster advisory committees support each watermaster program by:
- Providing recommendations to the watermaster on water administration and distribution activities that would benefit water rights holders;
- Reviewing and providing input to the executive director on the proposed annual budget of the watermaster operations; and
- Providing assistance as requested by the watermaster program or water right holders.
Texas Water Code Requires that TCEQ Establish Watermaster Advisory Committees.
There are currently four Watermaster programs and Advisory Committees in Texas. Each committee offers a unique regional perspective, but the way committee members are appointed vary slightly.
TWC, Subsection 11.3261 requires that a WAC be appointed to an established watermaster area. This currently applies to the Rio Grande and the South Texas watermaster advisory committees (established January 1998).
TWC, Subsection 11.4531 provides requirements for a committee in a program established by the TCEQ commission, such as the Brazos Watermaster Advisory Committee (established March 2015).
- Each of the committees include between 9 and 15 members.
- Members must be water right holders or representatives of water right holders in the watermaster area.
- In appointing the members, the executive director considers geographic representation, amount of water rights held, different types of holders of water rights and users such as water districts, municipal suppliers, irrigators, and industrial users, and experience and knowledge in water management practices.
- Members serve two-year terms and are not reimbursed for expenses or compensated for participating on the committee.
The Concho River Watermaster Advisory Committee was created by House Bill 2815, passed in the Regular Session, 79th Legislative Session in 2005. Section 11.557 specifically describes the Concho River WAC.
This committee consists of 13 members appointed by the executive director as follows:
- Six members selected from nominations received, one representing the City of Paint Rock and one representing each of the following stream segments or tributaries of the Concho River: Spring Creek, Dove Creek, South Concho, Middle Concho, and main stem of the Concho below Certificate of Adjudication No. 14-1337 (River Order No. 5460010000);
- Six members selected from a list of candidates submitted by the City of San Angelo; and
- One member selected at the executive director's discretion.
Contact Information:
TCEQ Watermaster SectionMC-160
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087 (512) 239-4600 Email: watermaster@tceq.texas.gov