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Lower Prairie Dog Town Fork Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis

RUAA for Lower Prairie Dog Town Fork Red River within the Red River Basin.

Project Summary

Status: In Progress

Basin Red River Basin
Segment Names and Numbers Lower Prairie Dog Town Fork Red River, 0207
Counties Armstrong, Briscoe, Hall, Childress
Recreational Survey Report

TCEQ has completed a report of its Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis (RUAA) for this water body.

Public Review of Recreational Survey Report

The comment period for the report closed in 2018. TCEQ uses the public's comments to make informed recommendation for the recreational use category and criteria to include in the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards.

TCEQ Recommendations

There is no recommendation for Lower Prairie Dog Town Fork Red River at this time.

Final Outcome TCEQ will publish final outcomes on this webpage when finalized.

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Project Report

Lower Prairie Dog Town Fork (0207): 

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For More Information

E-mail us at or see contact information for staff members.

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