Sabine River Basin Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis, Part 1
RUAAs for Nichols Creek, Caney Creek, Grace Creek, South Fork of Sabine River, Running Creek, and Elm Creek within the Sabine River Basin.
Project Summary
Status: Completed; awaiting EPA approval
Basin | Sabine River Basin |
Segment Names and Numbers | Nichols Creek, 0502A; Caney Creek, 0502B; Grace Creek, 0505B; South Fork of Sabine River, 0507G; Running Creek, 0512A; and Elm Creek, 0512B |
Counties | Gregg, Hopkins, Hunt, Jasper, Newton, Rains, and Wood |
Recreational Survey Report | TCEQ has completed a report of its Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis (RUAA) for these water bodies. |
Public Review of Recreational Survey Report | The comment period for the report has concluded. TCEQ used the public's comments to make an informed recommendation for the recreational use category and criteria to include in the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards. |
TCEQ Recommendations |
TCEQ recommended the use for Caney Creek remain primary contact recreation 1. TCEQ recommended the use for Grace Creek, South Fork of Sabine River, Elm Creek, Nichols Creek, and Running Creek be revised to secondary contact recreation 1. TCEQ held a comment period for the recreation use recommendations that ended in spring 2016. These use changes were included in the 2018 Texas Surface Water Quality Standards. |
Final Outcome |
EPA approved recreation use changes for:
TCEQ is awaiting EPA approval of recreation use changes for the following water bodies:
TCEQ retained the primary contact recreation use for Caney Creek. |
Project Report
Grace Creek (0505B) and Nichols Creek (0502A):
- Final RUAA Report for Grace Creek and Nichols Creek
- Field Data Sheets: Grace Creek and Nichols Creek
- Photographic Records: Grace Creek and Nichols Creek
Caney Creek (0502B), South Fork of Sabine River (0507G), Running Creek (0512A), and Elm Creek (0512):
- Final RUAA Report for Caney Creek, South Fork of Sabine River, Running Creek, and Elm Creek
- Field Data Sheets: Caney Creek , South Fork Sabine River , Running Creek , Elm Creek
- Photographic Records: Caney Creek , South Fork Sabine River , Running Creek , Elm Creek
For More Information
E-mail us at or see contact information for staff members.