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Controlling On-Road Mobile Source Vehicle Emissions

Texas has several programs to reduce and control mobile source emissions from on-road motor vehicles and non-road equipment.

Topics Under this Category

Approved TxLED Alternative Diesel Fuel Formulations
Diesel fuel blends or additive blends approved by the TCEQ as alternative diesel fuel formulations for Texas Low Emission Diesel (TxLED) may be used by producers to comply with the TxLED regulations.
Draft Regulatory Guidance for Texas Low Emission Diesel
Link to common questions and answers regarding the TCEQ's implementation and enforcement of the Texas Low Emission Diesel (TxLED) rules and requirements.
Motor Vehicle Fuel Programs in Texas
Information and links to Regional low RVP gasoline, Texas Low-Emission Diesel (TxLED), and El Paso fuel programs.
Reformulated Gasoline Program
Purpose of Reformulated Gasoline and the Texas counties required to use it.
Tampering of Vehicle Emission Controls
Defines "tampering" and what kinds of vehicle repairs can be made to correct tampering. Texas law prohibits selling or leasing tampered vehicles.
Texas Low Emission Diesel (TxLED) Program
Information relating to the TxLED program, approved alternative diesel fuel formulations, producer/importer registration forms, quarterly reporting forms, alternative emission reduction plan (AERP) forms, and regulatory guidance. The TxLED Program is implemented to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides from diesel-powered motor vehicles and non-road equipment.
Texas Low Emission Diesel (TxLED) Stakeholder Group
Information about the TxLED Stakeholder Group, including meeting minutes and a schedule of future meetings.
TxLED Alternative Emission-Reduction Plans (AERP)
A diesel-fuel producer may use an approved AERP to demonstrate compliance with the Texas Low Emission Diesel (TxLED) regulations.
TxLED Quarterly Reporting
All diesel producers and importers that have registered with the Texas Low Emission Diesel (TxLED) program are required to submit a TxLED quarterly report to the TCEQ no later than 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter. Download the necessary TxLED quarterly reporting forms here.
Understanding Fire Hazards with Catalyst-Equipped Cars
U.S. EPA publication on the history and precautions associated with automobile catalyst systems.
Vehicle Emissions Inspections in Texas
Program overview of the vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) program in Texas
Smoking Vehicle Program
TCEQ has decommissioned its smoking vehicle program.