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Getting a Fuel Delivery Certificate

Find out how to get a fuel delivery certificate for your underground petroleum storage tank, how to view it online, and find information on renewing or updating your certificate.

Why you need a delivery certificate

If you have an underground storage tank (UST) that receives motor fuel deliveries, you must display a current TCEQ delivery certificate for fuel carriers. If you receive a fuel delivery without it, both you and the fuel carrier are liable to be cited for a violation that could lead to enforcement actions.

Getting your delivery certificate

We will send you a temporary delivery authorization when we receive your construction notification (TCEQ-0495) for new and replacement USTs. This authorization expires 90 days after you receive your first delivery.

After processing your PST registration and certification, we will issue a delivery certificate to your facility. We mail the paper certificate to the mailing address you provide on the registration form, but you can also view and print the certificate online.

Viewing your certificate online

If you have lost or have not received your delivery certificate, view it online by following these steps:

  1. Visit our online Central Registry Document Search.
  2. Under the “Search by Registration Number” section, choose “Petroleum Storage Tank” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Enter your TCEQ facility ID number (also known as your PST ID number) and click “Search.”
  4. Choose “View Certificate of Delivery.” It will display your most current delivery certificate. You may need to download the certificate and open it in your computer’s PDF viewer.

You may then print a copy to display at your facility. You can also search by your facility or company name, but results may vary.

Renewing or updating your certificate

Renewing a PST Delivery Certificate – find out when your certificate expires and how to renew your certificate each year.

Updating the Delivery Certificate – how to update your certificate if ownership changes.

Getting help from TCEQ

See the following resources for more on PST rules and requirements:

TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance section offers free, confidential help to small businesses and local governments working to follow state environmental regulations. Call us at (800) 447-2827 or visit our webpage at