Sawmill Operations: Compliance Resources
Information and forms for small business owners of sawmill operations in Texas.
Air | Water | Waste | Tools | Additional Help
- De Minimis – Determine if your site is covered under the De Minimis rule.
- Air Quality Standard Permit for Sawmills
- New Source Review Information
- Permitting a Septic System You must check with your local permitting authority, and you can use a septic system for toilet and kitchen wastewater only. Process water is prohibited.
- If you are connected to a sewer system, contact your local Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) before discharging to their system.
- If you are not connected to a POTW, you may containerize your wastewater for disposal, apply for an industrial re-use authorization, or apply for an individual permit.
- Instructions and Application to Use Industrial Reclaimed Water
- Industrial Wastewater Discharges: The Permit Process
- Stormwater Permit Information
- Water: What Is My Source?
- What to do with Used Oil, Batteries, Antifreeze, or Used Tires
- Used Oil Recycling Program
- The Used Oil Recycling Handbook (RG-325) — Guidance for Used Oil Handlers
- Requirements for Used and Scrap Tire Generators (RG-513)
- Industrial and Hazardous Waste Rules and Regulations for Small-Quantity Generators (RG-234)
- Classification and Coding of Industrial and Hazardous Waste (RG-022) – Assists generators of industrial and hazardous waste in meeting the requirements of self waste classification.
- Waste Designation Decision Matrix
- Managing Hazardous Waste as Universal Waste
- Creosote: What Is It? What Are the Risks? (GI-285)
- Petroleum Storage Tanks
- RENEW Information
Compliance Overview Tools
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC) –An excellent resource from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Texas Forestry Association
- Delinquent Fees
Small Business and Local Government Assistance
TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance section offers free, confidential help to small businesses and local governments working to follow state environmental regulations. Call us at 800-447-2827 or visit our webpage at