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What to Do in a Water Crisis

Situations when water operators, owners, staff of public water systems need to act immediately.

In each of these situations, a PWS must contact us immediately:

Immediate Notification for Water Outage, Boil Water, Do-Not-Use, and Do-Not-Consumer Notices

[Per Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) subsection 341.033(i)(6) added by House Bill 3810, passed in the 88th Legislative Regular Session].

Public water systems that serve non-industrial customers must immediately notify TCEQ of an:

    • Unplanned condition that has caused an outage
    • Issuance of a
      • do-not-use advisory
      • do-not-consume advisory, or
      • boil water notice (BWN)

Report online using the Immediate Notification Form. PWSs are still required to follow all existing rules regarding issuing and rescinding a boil water notice or other advisory. For assistance to complete the form or to report verbally, call 833-419-0551 (toll free) or (512) 424-2208.

Issuing a Boil Water Notice

If conditions in your public water system (PWS) make it necessary for you to issue a boil water notice, then you must notify the BWN program, at, as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours with a copy of the notice.

Typical conditions requiring a PWS to issue a BWN include:

    • Positive E. coli results
    • Acute turbidities exceedances
    • Low disinfectant residual; and
    • Water outages or pressures below 20 PSI in the distribution system.

Instructions and templates with mandatory language for issuing a BWN can be found at Boil Water Notice. BWN regulations are under 290.46(q)(1) . Contact the BWN program at or (512) 239-4691 and tell the receptionist that you need to inform TCEQ staff of a boil water notice.

Finding an Accredited Lab for Microbial Testing

Find an accredited lab at Microbial Testing Laboratory Map , to analyze your drinking water samples for coliform and E. coli. Always call the lab to verify their address, sample drop off hours, and prices.

E. coli MCL Coliform Violation

In the event an E. coli MCL violation occurs at a PWS, as listed under 290.109(b) Maximum contaminant levels (MCL) for microbial contaminants, the PWS is required to:

    • As soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after becoming aware of the E. coli MCL violation, the PWS must notify customers using the mandatory public notice language for a boil water notice due to an E. coli MCL violation at Boil Water Notice,
    • Send a copy of the public notice and completed certificate of delivery to,
    • As soon as possible contact the TCEQ RTCR Program, (512) 239-4691 or If after hours or the TCEQ is closed, call (512) 239-1689.

Acute SWTR Violations

If your PWS treats surface water or groundwater under the influence of surface water, and an acute violation occurs at the PWS as listed on Table 11.1 Acute Violations Requiring 24-hr PN in RG-211 Surface Water Treatment Plant Requirements for Monthly Reporting and Public Notification, as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after becoming aware of the PWS is required to:

    • Complete the Public Drinking Water Violation Report Form (TCEQ-10449) and email to, mark the email as urgent. If you need assistance with treatment include the request in the email.
      • Submitting the form and associated data will help the SWTR program determine if this is an acute violation, if a BWN is required, and if additional assistance is needed.
    • Notify customers using the mandatory boil water notice language for a SWTR Violation under the Boil Water Notice section at TCEQ Public Notice Language for Drinking Water Compliance. Email a copy of the public notice and completed certificate of delivery to
      • If for any reason you cannot consult with us within 24 hours of the incident, you must issue a boil water notice. The PWS does not need TCEQ approval to notify customers about a BWN.

If you need assistance or have questions about the acute SWTR violations or this process, contact the Surface Water Treatment Rule program at (512) 239-4691 or

Nitrate and Nitrite MCL Violation

In the event a nitrate or nitrite MCL violation occurs at a PWS, according to 290.106(b) MCLs for IOCs, the PWS is required to:

    • As soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after becoming aware of the nitrate or nitrite MCL violation, the PWS must notify customers using the mandatory public notice language for an MCL, SINGLE SAMPLE for NITRATE or MCL, SINGLE SAMPLE for NITRITE at TCEQ Public Notice Language for Drinking Water Compliance. The public notice template and certificate of delivery can be found under the Chemical Violations section.
    • Email a copy of the public notice and completed certificate of delivery to

A safe, alternative water source should be used if the PWS is exceeding the MCL for nitrate or nitrite, especially if there are babies under six months old drinking water or formula made with water. Boiling water is not a safe option if your water has nitrate or nitrite; boiling water will increase concentrations and the health risk.

If you have questions, contact the TCEQ Inorganics Program at (512) 239-4691 or

Chlorine Dioxide Exceedance

If your PWS treats the drinking water with chlorine dioxide and the chlorine dioxide sample collected daily at the entry point exceeds the maximum residual disinfectant level (MRDL) of 0.8 mg/L you must:  

After the follow-up sampling if the system has an acute MRDL violation as listed in 290.110(b)(3) and 290.110(f)(5):

    • As soon as possible but no later than 24 hours, the PWS must email Make the subject line “Acute Chlorine Dioxide MRDL Violation.”
    • As soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after becoming aware of the chlorine dioxide MRDL violation, the PWS must notify customers using the mandatory public notice language for an MRDL, ACUTE (CHL.DIOXIDE) at TCEQ Public Notice Language for Drinking Water Compliance. The public notice template and certificate of deliver can be found under the Other Drinking Water Rule Violations section.
    • Email a copy of the public notice and completed certificate of delivery to

If you have questions, contact the TCEQ Chlorine Dioxide Program at (512) 239-4691 or

Outbreak of Waterborne Disease

Whenever you become aware of a waterborne disease outbreak within your PWS, you must contact TCEQ immediately by phone:

If it is clear from the nature of the incident that a boil water notice would be appropriate, issue the notice immediately and contact us right away.

Spills That Could Affect the Environment

If you become aware of a spill that could affect the Texas environment, report it to our Regional office emergency response staff.

Other Threats to Your Customers’ Health

If any other incident arises that does or could threaten your customers’ health through the contamination or loss of your water supply, contact us as soon as possible in one of these ways:

Our staff will help you assess the potential threat and determine your best course of action.