Financial Assurance Requirements: Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) must receive accurate and complete financial assurance information for underground petroleum storage tank facilities to minimize potential delays in processing a registration and issuing a delivery certificate.
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Use the following information to ensure acceptance of an underground petroleum storage tank facility’s financial assurance.
Question |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
What are the policy period requirements? |
The policy effective date must be current, cannot take effect in the future, and cannot be expired. |
TCEQ will reject policies that have a future effective date or have expired. |
Are handwritten corrections acceptable? |
The only handwritten item should be the wet/handwritten signature by the insurance representative. |
Anything handwritten on a policy other than a signature can cause TCEQ to reject the financial assurance. |
Are the financial assurance documents altered? |
Any corrections needed must appear to be a cohesive part of the rest of the financial assurance. |
Any appearance of alteration will cause TCEQ to reject the financial assurance. |
Facility Name
The facility name listed on the financial assurance must:
- Match the Facility/Store Name provided in the Facility Information section of the 00724 registration form (not the Owner Name provided in Section 1).
- Be listed in the endorsement, certificate of insurance, or schedule of covered locations.
Question |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
Can the financial assurance just list the facility name in the named insured or as a DBA under the named insured? |
The facility name must be listed in the endorsement, certificate of insurance, or schedule of covered locations and should match TCEQ’s records. The named insured may list the facility name after DBA, but doing so is not required and does not substitute for listing the facility in in the endorsement, certificate of insurance, or schedule of covered locations. |
TCEQ will not accept financial assurance that lists the facility name just under the named insured and not in the endorsement, certificate of insurance, or schedule of covered locations. |
Can organizational endings such as LLC, CO, Inc, be included in the facility name? |
The financial assurance must list the facility name with no organizational ending. The facility name is not the same as the owner/operator’s name. The facility name is chosen by the customer and is an identifier of the facility at a particular address. |
The facility name is the same as the tank owner and/or operator name and includes an organizational ending such as LLC, CO, Inc. For example, the facility name is Gas Go Markets, but the financial assurance has the facility name as Gas Go Markets Co. |
Facility Address
- TCEQ validates the facility location address in Section 2 of the 00724 registration form with USPS. Using the address as listed in USPS in your financial assurance will help ensure your financial assurance is accepted by TCEQ.
- If local government changes the name of a street, the financial assurance can list either the previous name or the new name for the first year after the change. After the first year, TCEQ will require the new name on the financial assurance.
If the facility address listed in the financial assurance does not match USPS, we will look for the following:
Question |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
Is the street type similar? |
Street type abbreviations are acceptable. For example, “Hwy” instead of instead of “Highway”, “State Hwy”, or “TX Hwy”. |
Street type does not match. For example, “Street” or “St” instead of “Road” or “Rd.” |
Does the street direction in the policy match the street direction listed in Section 2? |
The street direction (N, S, E, W, NE, SE, NW, SW) must be the same.
Does the address include a suite indicator? |
The address listed on the policy must include any applicable suite indicator for the location listed in Section 2. For example, “1204 S Main St Suite (or Ste) A”. |
Missing suite indicator. For example, the address is “1204 S Main St Ste A”, but the financial assurance has “1204 S Main St”. |
Is the zip code present, and correct? |
Listing the zip+4 with no hyphen is acceptable. For example, 787010101. |
Zip code is incorrect and/or missing. For example, “1204 S Main St.” |
The table below lists additional examples for a facility address in USPS is “4201 S Main St Ste B, Austin TX 78752-3434”:
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
4201 Main St Ste B, Austin TX 78752-3434 |
4201 S Main Rd Ste B, Austin TX 78752-3434 |
4201 South Main Street Suite B, Austin TX 78752-3434 |
4201 N Main St Ste B, Austin TX 78752-3434 |
4201 S Main St Ste B, Austin TX 787523434 |
4201 S Main St, Austin TX 78752-3434 |
4201 S Main Street Suite B, Austin TX 78752-3434 |
4201 S Main St Ste B, Austin TX 90210 |
4201 S Main St Ste B, Austin TX 78752 |
4201 S Main St Ste B, Austin TX |
Tank IDs
Question |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
Do the number of Tank IDs on the 00724 and the number of tanks in the financial assurance need to match? |
The listed number of tanks on the financial assurance is different than the number of tanks listed in the self-certification section of the 00724 registration form. For example, Tank IDs are 4A and 4B, but the financial assurance listed 1A, 4A and 4B. |
Is it ok for the multiple compartment tanks to count towards the number of tanks? |
A facility lists less than the number of “in use” or “temporarily out of service tanks” on their financial assurance. For example, the facility has one single compartment tank and one multiple compartment tank but lists only one tank on the financial assurance. |
Does the financial assurance need to list tank details such as capacity or installation dates? |
The financial assurance lists tank details that do not match the 00724 registration form. For example, the tank capacity on the registration for Tank IDs 4A and 4B is 18,000 gallons, but the financial assurance lists 10,000 gallons. |
Insurance Policies
Named Insured on Policy
The owner or owner/operator name in Section 1 on the 00724 registration form needs to be the same as the named insured on the policy. For the examples below, the customer name is “Gas Go Markets Co.”
Question |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
Does the customer’s name have the exact same consecutive letters included in the named insured on the policy? |
The named insured can have different spacing and additional characters before or after the name but must have the same constructive letters included. For example, the named insured reads “Gasgo Markets Co.”, “Gas Go Markets Co. DBA ABC Inc.”, or “John Smith & Gas Go Markets Co.” |
The named insured is misspelled or has missing letters. For example, the named insured reads as “Gas Go Market Co.” or “Gasgo Market Co.” (missing “s” after “Market”) |
Are abbreviations acceptable? |
Abbreviations such as ISD for Independent School District or MUD for Municipal Utility District in the named insured are acceptable. For example, Austin ISD instead of Austin Independent School District. |
Abbreviated company names. For example, “GGMC” instead of “Gas Go Markets Co.” |
Is the customer name listed before “DBA”? |
If the named insured has a DBA included, the customer name must be before the DBA. Anything after DBA in the named insured is irrelevant. (See also, DBAs for facility name.) For example, the name insured is Gas Go Markets Co. DBA ABC Inc. |
The named insured has the customer name after the DBA. For example, “ABC Inc. DBA Gas Go Markets Co.” |
What if the named insured includes another name? |
TCEQ will accept financial assurance that lists the consecutive letters of the customer name as part of the named insured. For example, the name insured is “John Sugar & Gas Go Markets Co.” |
The named insured does not list all consecutive letters of the customer name. For example, the name insured is “John Sugar & Gas Go” is unacceptable because “Markets Co.” is missing. |
Endorsement/Certificate of Insurance
Per 30 TAC 37.835(b) , the endorsement, certificate of insurance, or schedule of covered locations must list the following:
- The number of tanks at each facility,
- The name of each facility (matching Section 2 of the 00724 registration form,)
- The address for each facility (matching Section 2 of the 00724 registration form,) and
- The TCEQ Facility ID (registration number).
The endorsement or certificate of insurance must exactly match the language found in 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §37.835(b)(1) or (b)(2) . Use the following table to understand which certification statement you need.
Type |
Certification Statement |
Endorsement |
“I hereby certify that the wording of this instrument is identical to the wording in 30 TAC §37.835(b)(1)” |
Certificate of Insurance |
“I hereby certify that the wording of this instrument is identical to the wording in §37.835(b)(2)” |
If certification statement states, “I hereby certify that the wording of this instrument is identical to the wording in 40 CFR 280.97(b)(1) …” then TCEQ will reject the financial assurance, as that is the incorrect regulatory citation.
Financial Test (Letter from Chief Financial Officer)
Question |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
What does the financial test need to contain? |
Per 30 TAC §37.825 , the financial test must list the following:
What are the name requirements? |
The owner or owner/operator name in Section 1 on the 00724 registration form (aka, the customer name) needs to be the same as the name listed in the first sentence.
The name of the company in the first sentence does not match the owner/operator in Section 1 on the 00724 registration form and no guarantor or corporate guarantee are provided. For example, the owner/operator is Transporter Freight, Inc. and Transporter Corporation executes the financial test by listing Transporter Corporation in the first sentence, but Transporter Corporation does not execute the financial test as a guarantor or include a corporate guarantee on behalf of Transporter Freight, Inc. > |
Does the financial test have to be submitted with each facility’s renewal? |
A customer that uses a financial test for multiple facilities on different renewal schedules must include a copy with every submission throughout the year. Renewals submitted at the same time (within a few days) can include a single copy of the financial test. |
A customer that only submits the financial test with a single renewal within the year under the assumption that they will not need to include the financial test again in their subsequent submissions. |
Does the financial test need to provide an address for the owner/operator/guarantor? |
No address provided for the owner/operator/guarantor in either the letterhead or the first sentence. |
What are the certification requirements? |
Unless the financial test is for a local government, the certification in the last paragraph must state, “I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording specified in §37.825…” |
The financial test states, “I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording specified in 40 CFR 280.95(d)…” |
Who can sign the financial test? |
- A financial test does not have to be on company letterhead.
- The figures on the financial test must be derived from the most recent financial statements.
The statement just after the “Total (a)- (e)” line that includes “going concern”, that statement must end with the latest fiscal year-end date. Refer to the excerpt from Figure 30 TAC §37.825(d) below:
Local Governments
- Local governments can include counties, cities, townships, municipalities, school districts, hospital districts, and utility districts.
- Local governments may use the following wording in the certification in lieu of the wording specified in §37.825: “I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording specified in
- 40 CFR 280.104(d)…” (Bond rating for General Purpose Local Governments. For example: cities, towns, counties, etc.)
- 40 CFR 280.104(e) …” (Bond rating for other than General Purpose Local Governments. For example: school districts, utility districts, etc.)
- 40 CFR 280.105(c) …” (Financial test)
- 40 CFR 280.107(d) …” (Fund)
- For local governments that have the State of Texas acting as the guarantor, the local government must submit a guarantee worded exactly as specified in 40 CFR 280.106(d).
- For local governments that have a separate local government (not the State of Texas) acting as the guarantor, the guarantor must submit a financial test worded exactly as specified in 40 CFR 280.104(d) , 40 CFR 280.104(e) , or 40 CFR 280.105(c) . A guarantee worded exactly as specified in 40 CFR 280.106(e) must accompany the financial test.
- Local governments cannot use “40 CFR 280.95…” in the certification.
Alternative I or Alternative II
- If a company is attempting to pass Alternative I of the financial test, then they must answer at least one of the questions 9-12 “Yes.”
- If question 9 is answered “Yes,” then the owner or owner/operator name in Section 1 on the
00724 registration form (aka, the customer name) needs to be the same as the name listed in the first sentence.
- TCEQ cannot accept a financial test in which the owner/operator is a subsidiary of a public company, the financial test uses the owner/operator’s name in the first sentence, and the financial statements are from the parent company. In this situation, the parent company must execute the financial test as a guarantor and accompany this with a corporate guarantee.
- Refer to the requirements under Named Insured on Policy and replace “named insured” with “name in first sentence.”.
- If the financial test has “No” for questions 9-12, then the company does not pass Alternative I and must instead attempt to pass Alternative II.
- If question 9 is answered “Yes,” then the owner or owner/operator name in Section 1 on the
00724 registration form (aka, the customer name) needs to be the same as the name listed in the first sentence.
- Alternative II requires that the financial test be accompanied by a special report from an independent CPA stating that the CPA has compared the figures attested to in the financial test with the company’s audited financial statements and that they are in agreement with those figures.
- TCEQ does not require specific language for Alternative II.
- Alternative II financial tests must meet the requirements of 30 TAC 37.825(c)(3) .
Contact Us
For questions about financial assurance, email
For questions about registering petroleum storage tanks, contact the PST Registration Team at:
- E-mail:
- Phone: 512-239-2160
- Fax: 512-239-3399 or 512-239-3398
- Postal address:
Petroleum Storage Tank Registration Program, MC-138
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
PO Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087