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Step 4: How to Create a Tier II Report

This is the fourth step of six reporting steps. Learn how to create a Tier II report using the online Tier II reporting system.

Expand each section below for more information on the necessary steps.

There are four types of Tier II reports that can be created through the Tier II Online Reporting System:

  • Annual Report- Every owner/operator is required by statute to submit an annual Tier II Account Report for all their Facilities that store Tier II reportable chemicals. These Annual Reports are currently submitted between January 1st and March 1st.
  • Initial Report- If a Facility starts to store a new chemical or an owner/operator obtains a new Facility, they must submit an Initial Report within 90-days of custody.
  • Update Report- If an owner/operator just needs to make changes to their existing chemical, contact, or some facility data, they can submit an Update Report.
  • Deficiency Corrections- After a Tier II Account Report is submitted, TCEQ staff reviews the report. If errors or deficiencies are found, a Deficiency Correction report is generated that the account operator will need to complete by addressing the noted deficiencies.

Before you will be able to access the Tier II Reporting application you need to have received secondary approval.

  • If you selected the Primary role then you will need to have your access approved by the TCEQ before you will be able to access the Tier II Reporting application.
  • If you selected the Preparer or Secondary role you will need to be granted access by the current holder of the Primary role.
  • See if there is currently anyone holding the Primary role by following the steps on Checking Who Has Access to a CN in Tier 2 Reporting .

Using the Tier 2 Reporting Application

Validating and Submitting a Tier 2 Report

The Tier 2 Reporting application is optimized to work in the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

Follow along with the video below for a walkthrough of the Tier II Reporting application.

UPDATE Note: If you are receiving the error message: "You are not actively associated with any Tier II Access Roles", this means that you have not received secondary approval to access the Customer Number you requested access to in STEERS.

Parts of a Tier II Report

  • Facility tab - This is where the Facility details are maintained, including the Physical Location and Mailing Address.
  • Chemicals tab - This is where the Chemical Data for that Facility is maintained, including potential site plans.
  • Contacts tab - This is where the contacts for that Facility are maintained.

Facility Search- Search for facilities affiliated with your Customer Number (CN). Select the List All button to view all submitted and draft facility reports.

Report Search- Search for active draft reports or past submitted reports. Select the List All button to view all submitted and draft reports.

If you have a new facility that has not been registered with the TCEQ, or have assumed the operation of a facility not associated to your Tier II Account, it will not automatically show up under the Facility Search or list of Existing Facilities when creating a draft report. You must go through Tier II Core Data to associate these facilities to your Tier II Account.

Required Deficiency Corrections will show up in a Report Search as a Deficiency Correction Report

Accessing and Submitting Reports: Guidance on where to send your submitted reports.

  • Submitted reports can be found under the List All function on the Account Search page.
  • Your submitted report will be reviewed by TCEQ staff and you will receive an email notice letting you know of any deficiencies.

*Note: Facilities submitted in separate reports will not qualify for fee consolidation when submittal fees are calculated.