Forms and Guidance for Parts II, III, and IV of a Landfill Permit or Permit Amendment Application
Links to available information to aid in completing certain sections of an application for a municipal solid waste landfill.
On this page:
This page contains links to available information, forms, and guidance for preparing Parts II, III, and IV of a MSW landfill permit application. For forms for Part I of an application, and information about other requirements, please go to our main Municipal Solid Waste Type I and Type IV Landfills webpage.
Additional Forms for Part II of a Landfill Permit Application
General Information
- Part II Application Form for New Permit or Permit Amendment for a Municipal Waste Landfill Facility (Form TCEQ-20885)
Transportation (traffic and roadways)
- Transportation Data and Coordination Report Form for Type I Landfills (Form TCEQ-20719)
Waste Acceptance
- Waste Acceptance Plan Form for Type I and Type IAE Landfill Facilities (Form TCEQ-20873)
- Waste Acceptance Plan Form for Type IV and Type IVAE Landfill Facilities (Form TCEQ-20890)
Additional Forms and Guidance for Part III of a Landfill Permit Application
Landfill Liners
MSW permit applications must use updated rainfall estimates based on NOAA Atlas 14 for application parts regarding drainage and contaminated water management.
- Information about updated rainfall estimates and parts of applications affected
- Surface Water Drainage and Erosional Stability Guidelines for a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (RG-417)
Groundwater Monitoring
- Links to rules, forms, and information on groundwater monitoring and corrective action
- Guidelines for Preparing a Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan (RG-74)
Final Cover
- Guidance for Requesting a Water Balance Alternative Final Cover for a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (RG-494)
Closure and Post-Closure Care Plans, Cost Estimates, and Financial Assurance
Permit applications for landfill facilities must include a closure plan and a post-closure care plan, an estimate of the cost of closing the facility and conducting post-closure care, and financial assurance to cover the closure and post-closure care costs, according to 30 TAC 330.63(h), (i), and (j) .
- Closure
- Post-Closure Care
- Financial assurance
Groundwater Corrective Action Cost Estimates
The owner or operator of a MSW management unit required to undertake corrective action under 30 TAC 330.415 must prepare a written cost estimate and provide financial assurance for the cost of hiring a third party to perform the corrective action.
- Rules for corrective action cost estimates – 30 TAC 330.501 and 330.509
Additional Forms for Part IV of a Landfill Permit Application
Site Operating Plan
Part IV of a landfill permit application contains the site operating plan. A site operating plan discusses how an owner or operator will conduct daily operations at a facility, and includes information about functions and qualifications of personnel, and equipment to be used.
Applicants for landfills that qualify for an arid exemption may prepare a site-specific SOP, or use the following template:
Contact Us
Contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about MSW landfill applications.