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Forms and Guidance for Parts II, III, and IV of a Landfill Permit or Permit Amendment Application

Links to available information to aid in completing certain sections of an application for a municipal solid waste landfill.

This page contains links to available information, forms, and guidance for preparing Parts II, III, and IV of a MSW landfill permit application. For forms for Part I of an application, and information about other requirements, please go to our main Municipal Solid Waste Type I and Type IV Landfills webpage.

Additional Forms for Part II of a Landfill Permit Application

General Information

Transportation (traffic and roadways)

Waste Acceptance

Additional Forms and Guidance for Part III of a Landfill Permit Application

Landfill Liners


MSW permit applications must use updated rainfall estimates based on NOAA Atlas 14 for application parts regarding drainage and contaminated water management.

Groundwater Monitoring

Final Cover

Closure and Post-Closure Care Plans, Cost Estimates, and Financial Assurance

Permit applications for landfill facilities must include a closure plan and a post-closure care plan, an estimate of the cost of closing the facility and conducting post-closure care, and financial assurance to cover the closure and post-closure care costs, according to 30 TAC 330.63(h), (i), and (j) .

Groundwater Corrective Action Cost Estimates

The owner or operator of a MSW management unit required to undertake corrective action under 30 TAC 330.415 must prepare a written cost estimate and provide financial assurance for the cost of hiring a third party to perform the corrective action.

Additional Forms for Part IV of a Landfill Permit Application

Site Operating Plan

Part IV of a landfill permit application contains the site operating plan. A site operating plan discusses how an owner or operator will conduct daily operations at a facility, and includes information about functions and qualifications of personnel, and equipment to be used.

Applicants for landfills that qualify for an arid exemption may prepare a site-specific SOP, or use the following template:

Contact Us

Contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about MSW landfill applications.