Transport, Dispose of, and Recycle Municipal Solid Waste
Types of MSW, how to transport waste, and how to find a facility to dispose of or recycle waste.
On this page:
Types of Facilities and Wastes
- Types of MSW Processing and Disposal Facilities, and Wastes That May Be Accepted
- Find the Location and Phone Number for a Solid Waste Transfer Station or Landfill
Transporting Waste
- Transporting Waste (RG-086) — A guide to help determine the regulatory requirements for waste transportation
- Requirements for Collecting and Transporting Waste to Type IV Landfill in Enclosed Container or Vehicle
- Requirements for Operating Stationary Compactor for Waste Transported to Type IV Landfill in Enclosed Container or Vehicle
Disposing of Waste
- Solid Waste
Use the Facility Map Viewer to find a landfill or solid waste transfer station
- Liquid Waste
How to dispose of liquid waste from municipal sources, including grease and grit trap waste, septage, wastewater treatment plant sludge, and water-supply treatment plant sludge.
- Medical Waste
Determine if you have a medical waste, and how it must be managed and disposed.
- Special Waste
Determine if you have a special waste that requires special handling because of its quantity or characteristics, and if you need written authorization for disposal in a landfill.
- Used Tires and Scrap Tires
How the public can dispose of tires or report illegal dumping.
Recycling Waste
- Recycling
How to recycle various wastes and materials, and local recycling programs.
- Composting and Mulching
Requirements for composting or mulching source-separated materials, materials diverted from a municipal solid waste stream, and mixed MSW.
Burning Certain Wastes Under Restricted Conditions
Outdoor Burning (RG-049)
Exceptions to the prohibition on outdoor burning, general requirements, and notification requirements.
- Air Curtain Incinerator
Permit by rule according to 30 TAC 330.7(g) to burn trees, clean lumber, and brush if it complies with 30 TAC 106.496 .
- Dual-Chamber Incinerator
Permit by rule according to 30 TAC 330.7(f) to burn only waste generated on site, or illegal drugs confiscated by law enforcement agencies, if it complies with 30 TAC 106.491 .
Contact Us
Contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about how to manage a waste.