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Brazos Basin and Bay Area Stakeholder Committee: Members and Meetings

Members of the stakeholder committee for the Brazos Basin and Bay Area and the interest groups they represent. Meetings, agendas, attendees, presentations, and findings.

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Past BBASC Meetings

The Brazos BBASC develops environmental flows recommendations for their river basin and bay system based on their associated science team’s recommendations and other factors, including present and future needs of water for other uses. The current members of this committee are:

Interest Group Member
Regional Water-Planning Groups Dale Spurgin, Chair
Environmental Interests Ken Kramer, Vice-Chair
Agricultural Irrigation David Stratta
Agricultural Irrigation Vacant
Chemical Manufacturing Glenn Lord
Commercial Fishermen Marty McIntyre
Concentrated Animal-Feeding Operations Jay Bragg
Electricity Generation Gary Spicer
Environmental Interests Nick Dornak
Environmental Interests Vacant
Free-Range Livestock Dale Hoelscher
Free-Range Livestock Vacant
Groundwater Conservation Districts Horace Grace
Municipalities Brandon Wade
Municipalities Ronald Woodruff
Municipalities Michael Boyd
Municipalities Vacant
Public Interest Groups Ronald Kelling, P.E.
Public Interest Groups Bruce Bodson
Recreational Water Users Patti Carothers
Recreational Water Users Alan Rudd
Refining Eddie Saucedo
Regional Water-Planning Groups Bret Raley
River Authorities Tiffany Malzahn
Soil and Water Conservation Districts Joe Langdon

BBASC Meetings