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Updates to the Procedures for Surface Water Quality Monitoring

Updates to the SWQM Procedures Manual, which describes methods for collecting and analyzing habitat data and physical and chemical monitoring methods for water, sediment, and tissue.

The SWQM Procedures Manual describes methods for collecting and analyzing biological community and habitat data and physical and chemical monitoring methods for water, sediment, and tissue. The Procedures Manual was most recently published in 2012 (Volume 1) and 2014 (Volume 2).

The process for making interim changes to the manuals is outlined in the Procedures for Making Interim Changes to the SWQM Procedures Manuals.

The guidance in updates published on this page supercedes the information in the published manual.

Updates to Volume 1

The updates provided below supercede the corresponding items in Volume 1: Physical and Chemical Monitoring Methods (RG-415) (August 2012).

Unless otherwise indicated, links are PDF

Summary of Changes

Chapter Updates

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 8

Chapter 10

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Procedure Updates

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Updates to Volume 2

These updates provided below supercede the corresponding items in Volume 2: Methods for Collecting and Analyzing Biological Assemblage and Habitat Data (RG-416) (May 2014).

Summary of Changes

Chapter Updates

Chapter 5

Appendix B

Procedure Updates

  • Procedure for Monitoring Seagrass (August 2018)
    This chapter describes the protocols used by the TCEQ, TPWD, and cooperators at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI) for monitoring seagrass condition and the collection of data in support of the Texas Seagrass Monitoring Program.

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