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Office of Waste

This office implements federal and state laws related to the regulation of aboveground and underground petroleum storage tanks (PSTs); generation, treatment, storage, and disposal of municipal, industrial, low-level radioactive, and hazardous wastes; and the recovery and processing of uranium and disposal of byproduct. It also oversees state cleanup of contaminated sites.

Beth Seaton, Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax

Occupational Licensing and Registration
Radioactive Materials
Waste Permits

Occupational Licensing and Registration

Jaya Zyman, P.E.,Deputy Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax

The Occupational Licensing and Registration Division promotes and supports various agency programs. Division responsibilities include:

Radioactive Materials

Ashley Forbes, Deputy Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax

The Radioactive Materials Division performs activities associated with the licensing of facilities involved in the storing, processing, or disposing of one or more of the following: uranium ore; by-product radioactive waste; low-level radioactive waste; non-oil and -gas naturally occurring radioactive waste (NORM waste); radioactive waste generated from federal government activities; and activities associated with the permitting, registration, and authorization of Class I, III, and V wells in the underground injection control program.

The Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 401, authorizes the TCEQ to regulate the disposal of most radioactive substances in Texas. Also, the State of Texas is an "Agreement State" authorized by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission to administer a radiation-control program under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.


Merrie Smith, P.G., Deputy Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax

The Remediation Division oversees the investigation and cleanup of pollutants released into the environment, both hazardous and nonhazardous, by responsible parties, state contractors, and the state itself. The division also seeks restoration of damaged natural resources resulting from such releases. Division programs include:

Waste Permits

Charly Fritz, Deputy Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax

The Waste Permits Division is responsible for permitting and registering facilities involved in one or more of the following: storing, processing, or disposing of hazardous waste, nonhazardous industrial waste, municipal solid waste, special waste, and international waste. The division also:

  • performs technical analysis of notifications for waste management, including recycling of industrial and municipal solid waste;
  • performs technical analysis related to waste received from international sources;
  • performs technical analysis of submissions from regulated entities;
  • makes groundwater protection recommendations to the Railroad Commission of Texas and applicants for oil and gas wells, Class II injection wells, cathodic protection wells, and seismic programs;
  • administers the assessment and collection of fees for the generation, treatment, storage, or disposal of solid waste or hazardous waste; and
  • administers the Regional Solid Waste Grant Program.