Air Navigation Folder
Announcements of meetings, regulatory changes, and other significant information from the Air Permits Division. List includes all announcements for approximately the past six-months.
Applying for a general permit to cover air issues for an industrial site. General permits have uniform conditions that cover all sites in a defined class.
This page provides guidance for obtaining permits for new or modified facilities including turbines, engines, boilers, heaters, and incinerators.
Guidance for obtaining permits for new facilities or modifications to existing facilities that will result in increased air emissions. For specific facilities related to agricultural activities - for example, cotton gins, dairies, feedlots, feed mills, fertilizer handling or storage.
Guidelines for determining best available control technology for facilities that are sources of emissions due to combustion.
Announcements of meetings, regulatory changes, and other significant information from the Air Permits Division. List includes all announcements for approximately the last five years.
Forms and guidance documents for New Source Review permit applications.
Data files and information on modeling for those who must have it done as part of their new source review air permit applications.
This page provides guidance for obtaining permits for new or modified facilities including surface coating, abrasive blasting, degreasing, fiberglass reinforced plastics, cultured marble, printing, and paint manufacturing.
Guidelines for determining best available control technology for facilities and activities associated with coating processes.
Ancillary tables and similar forms to be completed to determine significant information and, in some cases, to be submitted with the permit application.
Air dispersion modeling, determining best available control technologies, public notices, and other processes that often are involved in obtaining an air permit.
The Air Permits Division has developed an air pollution control guidance document to assist permit reviewers during the technical review of permit applications.
List of TCEQ program areas with phone numbers and Web pages.
Pending and Completed permit applications submitted for air quality, New Source Review, and Federal Operating Permit programs.
Individual Unit Attribute Forms associated with Mechanical Sources.
Individual Unit Attribute Forms associated with Agricultural Sources.
Individual Unit Attribute Forms associated with Chemical Sources.
Some Title V Operating Permits require Unit Attribute (UA) Forms, Unit Attributes 1-66 Forms and Instructions are available on this page. When entering citations, please do not use abbreviated or condensed citation entries.