Announcements for New Source Review
Announcements of meetings, regulatory changes, and other significant information from the Air Permits Division. List includes all announcements for approximately the past six-months.
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NEW January 30, 2025: New Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for Natural Gas Electric Generating Units
Effective January 30, 2025, TCEQ issued a new non-rule air quality standard permit for natural gas fired electric generating units (EGUs) under Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 382.05195, Standard Permit, and 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 116, Subchapter F, Standard Permits. The new standard permit provides applicants with more flexibility than allowed under Permit by Rule (PBR) when seeking authorization of natural gas (NG) EGUs at a site and serves as an alternative option to the existing Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for EGUs. The new non-rule standard permit authorizes NG EGUs that generate electricity for use by the owner or operator and/or generate electricity to be sold to the electric grid. The application, Form PI-1S, and additional information on the new standard permit may be obtained from the commission’s Air Quality Standard Permit for Natural Gas Electric Generating Units webpage.
NEW January 24, 2025: Demonstration of Continuous Compliance with NSPS OOOOb LPE Criteria Periodic Reporting Form (LPE-PR)
Air Permits Division developed form LPE-PR to periodically report continuous compliance with legally and practicably enforceable (LPE) criteria for a single storage vessel or tank battery under New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) OOOOb for the Oil and Natural Gas sector. This form will be due by April 15th for the previous reporting year. Print out the reporting form and mail in with required attachments as indicated on the LPE-PR form. The form and additional guidance can be found on the New Source Review and Permits by Rule Notification and Verification Forms and Instructions and the Oil and Gas Facilities: Air Compliance Information pages.
NEW December 20, 2024: Update to Stakeholder Comment Deadline for Proposed OOOOc Rulemaking and State Plan for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities
TCEQ has extended the deadline to receive stakeholder comments on the proposed OOOOc rulemaking project to January 15, 2025. TCEQ will review all comments we receive but will not formally respond. Comments received after January 15, 2025, may not be evaluated or considered during the rule development process.
Additional information on how to submit comments can be found on the 2024 OOOOc Rulemaking and State Plan for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities webpage.
NEW December 20, 2024: Update to TCEQ Stakeholder Input Opportunities for Proposed OOOOc Rulemaking and State Plan for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities
Outside of written stakeholder comments, TCEQ will be soliciting additional information through a web-based survey form that will be released at a later date. More information will be coming soon.
The intent of the survey is to gather information on existing oil and gas facilities that may be impacted by this rule, including any information necessary to determine whether standards of performance or compliance schedules should differ from the emission guidelines of Subpart OOOOc.
For additional information, go to the 2024 OOOOc Rulemaking and State Plan for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities webpage.
NEW December 9, 2024: Update to TCEQ Stakeholder Input Opportunities for Proposed OOOOc Rulemaking and State Plan for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities
TCEQ has prepared a web-based survey to collect input in support of our solicitation of informal comments on proposed rulemaking to add a new Division 7 to Chapter 113, Subchapter D, to implement the requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 60, Subpart OOOOc.
The survey may be accessed through the following link:
(form under maintenance, coming soon).
For additional information, go to the 2024 OOOOc Rulemaking and State Plan for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities webpage.
NEW November 15, 2024: Updated Notice of Stakeholder Meetings on Proposed OOOOc Rulemaking and State Plan for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities
TCEQ has confirmed the meeting location for the November 20, 2024, stakeholder meeting. TCEQ has also added a fourth stakeholder meeting on December 9, 2024, to be held virtually. The stakeholder meetings are held to solicit informal comments on proposed rulemaking to add a new Division 7 to Chapter 113, Subchapter D, to implement the requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 60, Subpart OOOOc.
For additional information, go to 2024 OOOOc Rulemaking and State Plan for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities webpage.
NEW November 1, 2024: Proposed New Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for Temporary Public Works Projects
The TCEQ is providing an opportunity for public comment and will conduct a public meeting to receive testimony regarding a new non-rule air quality standard permit for temporary concrete batch plants that support public works projects.
The new standard permit will implement a requirement of Senate Bill (SB) 1397, 88th Session, that TCEQ issue a standard permit for temporary concrete batch plants that support public works projects. The proposed standard permit contains conditions to ensure facilities meet the criteria of SB 1397 and Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 382.051985. The standard permit also includes emission control requirements, best management practices, and recordkeeping requirements to ensure the standard permit is protective of human health and the environment and is enforceable.
The proposed non-rule air quality standard permit is subject to a 30-day comment period. For additional information, go to the Standard Air Permits webpage.
NEW October 7, 2024: Notice of Stakeholder Meetings on Proposed OOOOc Rulemaking and State Plan for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities
TCEQ will hold three stakeholder meetings in November 2024 to solicit informal comments on proposed rulemaking to add a new Division 7 to Chapter 113, Subchapter D, to implement the requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 60, Subpart OOOOc.
The proposed rulemaking will address applicability, emission standards, monitoring, recordkeeping, testing, and reporting requirements for designated oil and gas facilities. The rules would set emission standards and/or control requirements for emissions of greenhouse gases (primarily methane) from existing facilities in this industry.
A formal public meeting and comment period will occur on a date following the stakeholder meetings. Additional information can be found on the 2024 OOOOc Rulemaking and State Plan for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities webpage.
NEW September 3, 2024: STEERS Functionality Available for Annual Reporting Requirement
The State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System (STEERS) functionality is now available to report the operational status for certain temporary permits or permits without an expiration date (open-ended). A new annual reporting requirement requires permittees to report the operational status of the permitted activity for each relevant permit by rule, standard exemption, and standard permit registration. The initial report is due by Dec. 31, 2024. Then, annual reporting will be required by Dec. 31 of each year. Operational status should be reported electronically through STEERS. More information on the requirements can be found on the Annual Reporting Requirement: Certain Air Permits webpage.
Subscribe to “Annual Reporting Requirements for Certain Air Permits” (under Air Permitting) to receive updates related to this reporting requirement.
NEW August 20, 2024: Updated Relocation/Notification Process for Permits by Rule (PBRs) and Standard Permits
Effective September 1, 2024, all relocation and notification requests are to be submitted to Air Permits Division (APD). Please note that although the PBR and standard permit may include instructions to submit relocation and notification requests to the regional office, these requests will now be handled by APD.
The updated APD Relocation/Notification Form can be found on the New Source Review and Permits by Rule Notification and Verification Forms and Instructions webpage.
NEW July 24, 2024: Surface Coating Workbook Available for Chapter 106, Subchapter S
This covers Permit by Rules (PBRs) under Sections 106.431, 106.432, 106.433, 106.434, 106.435, and 106.436.
The workbook is to be used in conjunction with STEERs and includes general information, checklist items not included in STEERs, calculations, emission summaries, and general guidance.
Starting November 1, 2024, the Surface Coating Workbook will be required to be submitted with all Chapter 106 Subchapter S registrations.
The workbook can be found on each of the Subchapter S rules webpages.
NEW June 28, 2024: Proposed New Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for Natural Gas Electric Generating Units
The TCEQ is providing an opportunity for public comment and will conduct a public meeting to receive testimony regarding a new non-rule air quality standard permit for natural gas fired electric generating units (EGUs).
The proposed standard permit would provide applicants with more flexibility when seeking authorization of natural gas EGUs at a site and serves as an alternative option to the existing Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for EGUs. The standard permit would only be applicable to spark-ignited internal combustion engines that fire natural gas and excludes boilers and turbines. It would include operating specifications and emission limitations for typical natural gas engines during routine operation and planned maintenance, startup, and shutdown.
The proposed non-rule air quality standard permit is subject to a 30-day comment period. For additional information, go to the Standard Air Permits webpage.
NEW April 9, 2024: Certification of NSPS OOOOb LPE Criteria form (LPE-CERT)
Air Permits Division developed form LPE-CERT to certify legally and practicably enforceable (LPE) criteria for a single storage vessel or tank battery under New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) OOOOb for the Oil and Natural Gas Sector. Print out the certification form and mail in with required attachments as indicated on the LPE-CERT form. The form and additional guidance can be found on the New Source Review and Permits by Rule Notification and Verification Forms and Instructions and the Oil and Gas Facilities: Air Compliance Information pages.
NEW March 15, 2024: Update to PI-1S-CBP Workbook
Effective January 24, 2024, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or commission) issued amendments to the non-rule air quality standard permit for concrete batch plants (CBPs).
Under the standard permit, renewals shall comply with this standard permit on the later of: 1) two years from the effective date; or 2) the date the facility’s registration is renewed.
CBP Standard Permit registrations that have a renewal date prior to January 24, 2026, have the option to renew under the current 2024 CBP Standard Permit Amendment (Effective Date January 24, 2024), or the previously issued CBP Standard Permit (Effective Date September 22, 2021). Renewing under the previously issued 2021 CBP Standard Permit will only authorize operations for the facility until January 24, 2026. Applicants will be notified approximately 6 months prior to January 24, 2026, to renew their registration under the current 2024 CBP Standard Permit.
For registrations seeking authorization under the 2024 CBP Standard Permit, applicants must complete the PI-1S-CBP version 6.0. Version 6.0 is required starting January 24, 2024, for initial applications, amended applications, or renewals that opt to authorize under the 2024 CBP Standard Permit.
For registrations with renewal dates prior to January 24, 2026, that are seeking to renew the registration under the previously issued 2021 CBP Standard Permit, applicants must complete the PI-1S-CBP version 5.2.
Both version 5.2 and version 6.0 can be found on the Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants webpage.
NEW February 20, 2024: Update of the Form PI-1 General Application
The Air Permits Division has released Version 6.1 of the Form PI-1 General Application. The associated tips sheets and list of changes have also been updated. Version 6.0 will continue to be accepted.
The Form PI-1 and associated documents are available at the New Source Review Application Tools page.
NEW January 24, 2024: Amendments to Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants & Updated PI-1S-CBP Workbook
Effective January 24, 2024, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or commission) issued amendments to the non-rule air quality standard permit for concrete batch plants (CBPs). The amendments to the standard permit reflect the results of an updated Air Quality Analysis (AQA). The amendments include the addition and revision of definitions, revisions to operational requirements and setback requirements, improved best management practices, and other minor corrections and edits. These amendments were adopted under the Texas Clean Air Act, Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 382.05195, Standard Permit; and 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 116, Subchapter F, Standard Permits.
More information on the amended standard permit, including the technical background document and registration materials, may be obtained from the following commission webpages:
- Information on 2023 Amendment to the Concrete Batch Plant Standard Permit
- Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants
To reflect the amended standard permit, the Air Permits Division has updated the application workbook, Form PI-1S-CBP, for concrete batch plant standard permit registrations. PI-1S-CBP Version 6.0 has been released. The workbook is available on the Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants webpage. The PI-1S-CBP Version 6.0 is required for all registration applications for the Standard Permit for CBPs submitted on or after January 24, 2024.
(The updated workbook is also available on the Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants with Enhanced Controls webpage. Registration applications for CBPs with Enhanced Controls received on or after January 24, 2024, must use Version 6.0.)
NEW December 11, 2023: RAP Workbook Updates Now Available
The Air Permits Division has released workbook updates to all RAP workbooks: Simple Cycle Turbine, Engine Power Generation, Compressor Station, Tanks and Loading Increases, and Marine Loading. All patches of the same version number will continue to be accepted (e.g., versions 2.0 and 2.1 of RAP: Marine Loading will be accepted).
The updated workbooks and additional information can be found on their respective webpages, which can be accessed through the Readily Available Permits: Air New Source Review webpage.
NEW September 11, 2023: Aggregate Processing Operations Workbook Available for Chapter 106, Subchapter E
This covers Permit by Rules (PBRs) under Sections 106.141, 106.143, 106.144, 106.145, 106.146, 106.148, 106.149, and 106.150.
The workbook is to be used in conjunction with STEERs and includes general information, checklist items not included in STEERs, calculations, emission summaries, and general guidance.
As of January 1, 2024, the Aggregate Processing Operations Workbook is required to be submitted with all Chapter 106 Subchapter E registrations.
The workbook can be found on the Section 106.141, 106.143, 106.144, 106.145, 106.146, 106.148, 106.149, and 106.150 permit by rule webpages.
NEW August 1, 2023: Electronic Modeling Evaluation Workbook (EMEW) Required
Effective October 1, 2023, the Rule Registrations Section will require an Electronic Modeling Evaluation Workbook (EMEW) to be submitted with projects utilizing modeling other than SCREEN3 to complete an impacts analysis.
The EMEW can be found on the New Source Review Application Tools webpage along with step-by step guidance videos for completing the EMEW.
May 19, 2023: Standard Permit Incomplete Process
Effective September 1, 2023, the TCEQ may not accept certain Standard Permits applications that do not include a Table 1(a) or equivalent emission summary table, emission calculations, or a process/project description. This applies to the following Standard Permits:
- Standard Permit for Air Quality Pollution Control Projects
- Standard Permit for Animal Carcass Incinerators
- Standard Permit for Boilers
- Standard Permit for Electric Generating Units
- Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for Marine Loading Operations
- Standard Permit for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
- Standard Permit for Oil and Gas Handling and Production Facilities
If an application is not accepted, the company will be notified, and the application can be resubmitted within six months at no additional cost.
May 19, 2023: Updated Oil and Gas Fixed Roof Storage Tank Workbook (Version 3.1)
The Air Permits Division has updated Form 20897 PBR 106.352 Oil and Gas Fixed Roof Storage Tank workbook. Minor changes, including accessibility updates, were made to the workbook. Although we encourage applicants to use the most current version, 3.0 will continue to be accepted at this time. The workbook can be found on the Air Permit By Rule 106.352 webpage.
April 14, 2023: Proposed Amendments to Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants
The TCEQ is providing an opportunity for public comment and will conduct a public meeting to receive formal comment regarding amendments to the non-rule air quality standard permit for concrete batch plants (CBPs). The TCEQ will also hold an informational meeting in Houston during the public comment period to discuss the proposed amendments to the standard permit and answer questions from the public.
The proposed amendments to the non-rule air quality standard permit for CBPs will update the standard permit to include an updated Air Quality Analysis (AQA). The proposed amendments also include the addition of definitions, revisions to operational requirements and setback requirements, improved best management practices, and other minor corrections or edits.
For additional information, go to 2023 Amendment to the Concrete Batch Plant Standard Permit.
April 14, 2023: Updated 106.261 and 106.262 Workbooks (Version 4.1)
The Air Permits Division has released version 4.1 of the 106.261 and 106.262 single and multiple project workbooks. Minor changes were made to the workbooks. Although we encourage applicants to use the most current version, 4.0 will continue to be accepted at this time. The workbooks can be found on the Section 106.261 and Section 106.262 permit by rule webpages.
January 20, 2023: Updated 106.261 and 106.262 Workbooks (Version 4.0)
The Air Permits Division has updated the 106.261 and 106.262 workbooks. The 106.261 and 106.262 Single and Multiple project workbooks Version 4.0 has been released and is required to be submitted beginning March 1, 2023. As of April 1, 2021, the Section 106.261/Section 106.262 workbook is required to be submitted with all Section 106.261 and Section 106.262 registrations. The workbooks can be found on the Section 106.261 and Section 106.262 permit by rule webpages.
December 15, 2022: New Version of the Form PI-1 General Application
The Air Permits Division has released Version 6.0 of the Form PI-1 General Application. The associated tips sheets and list of changes have also been updated. Version 5.0 will be accepted through January 15, 2023. Applications received on or after January 16, 2023, must use Version 6.0 or its associated patch numbers.
The Form PI-1 and associated documents are available at the New Source Review Application Tools page.
December 2, 2022: Updated PI-1S-CBP for Concrete Batch Plants and Concrete Batch Plants with Enhanced Controls and PI-1S-MLO for Marine Loading Operations
The Air Permits Division has updated the PI-1S-CBP for concrete batch plant standard permit registrations (Standard Permits 6004 and 6008). PI-1S-CBP Version 5.2 has been released and no longer includes latitude and longitude data request. The workbook is available on the Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants and the Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants with Enhanced Controls pages.
The PI-1S-MLO for marine loading operations standard permit registrations (Standard Permit 6021) has also been updated. Updates to PI-1S-MLO Version 2.0 include the revised nonattainment classification for HGB nonattainment area. This updated version must be included in all applications submitted on and after December 23, 2022. The PI-1S-MLO is available on the Standard Permit for Marine Loading Operations page.
November 29, 2022 - New Meteorological Datasets are available for use with AERMOD
The Air Dispersion Modeling Team has updated the pre-processed meteorological data for the state of Texas using AERMET version 22112. These meteorological datasets are replacing the pre-processed meteorological datasets processed with AERMET version 19191. The meteorological data sets and technical justification can be downloaded at Meteorological Data for Refined Screening with AERMOD.
November 16, 2022: PI-E and RAP Workbook Updates Now Available
The Air Permits Division has released workbook updates to Form PI-E (Version 1.2), RAP: Marine Loading (Version 2.0), RAP: PowerEngine (Version 2.0), and RAP: Tanks and Loading Increases (Version 4.0). Versions 1.0 and 1.1 of Form PI-E will continue to be accepted. RAP applications received on or after December 1, 2022, must use the current posted version.
The updated workbooks and additional information can be found on their respective webpages: PI-E for Changes to Qualified Facilities under Senate Bill 1126, RAP: Marine Loading, RAP: Engine Power Generation, and RAP: Tanks and Loading Increases.
November 2022: Notice of Stakeholder Meetings on Proposed Amendment to the Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants
The Air Permits Division will conduct three stakeholder meetings in November 2022 to provide information and solicit informal comments on proposed amendment to non-rule air quality standard permit for concrete batch plants.
A formal public meeting and comment period will occur on a date following the stakeholder meetings. For more details, go to 2023 Amendment to the Concrete Batch Plant Standard Permit.
October 3, 2022: Updated Fugitive Workbook (Version 3.0) Now Available in New Source Review Applications Tools
The Air Permits Division has released Version 3.0 of the fugitive workbook. The new single workbook can now be used for all industry types. The workbook also contains a new section to compute emissions from greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.). Applications received on or after January 1, 2023 must use Version 3.0.
To view archived announcements for New Source Review Permits:
- Go to Archive of TCEQ Website Content;
- Select the time period you are interested in;
- In the web address link at the top, enter this link: and leave All selected; and
- Click on the link to the date when the information was archived to view it.
Questions? We Can Help
If you have questions regarding the announcements above, please contact us.