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Air PBRs of Subchapter O

Air permits by rule for equipment, facilities, or operations related to oil and gas.

Air PBR 106.351: Salt Water Disposal (Petroleum)

Facilities for the disposal of salt water from petroleum operations and water injection facilities are permitted by rule if they meet the conditions stated in 30 TAC Sections 106.4 and 106.351. This permit by rule must be claimed before construction begins. This page gives a brief overview of this PBR and links to relevant rules and forms.

Air PBR 106.352: Oil and Gas Handling and Production Facilities

This page provides links to the rule and detailed information on the PBR for Oil and Gas Handling and Production Facilities.

Air PBR 106.353: Temporary Oil and Gas Facilities

Temporary oil and gas facilities must meet the conditions stated in 30 TAC Section 106.353 to be permitted by rule. No registration or fee is required. Recordkeeping requirements are discussed.

Air PBR 106.354: Iron Sponge Gas-Treating Unit

Iron sponge gas treating unit facilities must meet the conditions stated in 30 TAC Section 106.354 to be permitted by rule. No registration or fee is required. Recordkeeping requirements are discussed.

Air PBR 106.355: Pipeline Metering, Purging, and Maintenance

Pipeline metering, purging, and maintenance facilities that meet the conditions of 30 TAC Sections 106.355 and 106.4 are permitted by rule.

Air PBR 106.359: Planned Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown at Oil and Gas Handling and Production Facilities

Planned maintenance, startup, and shutdown at oil and gas handling and production facilities is permitted by rule if it meets the conditions in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Sections 106.4 and 106.359. No registration or fee is required.

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