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Used Oil Handlers

Requirements for handling used oil, including used oil transporters, used oil processors, re-refiners, and burners of off-specification used oil.

Used oil handlers are used oil transporters, transfer facilities, processors/re-refiners, marketers, and burners of off-specification used oil. Used oil handlers must register one time through the TCEQ using the Used Oil Handler and/or Used Oil Filter Handlers Form (TCEQ-10062). ( Instructions) Transporters, transfer/storage facilities, processors, re-refiners, and off-spec burners must provide proof of financial responsibility upon registration.

A used oil transporter collects and transports used oil generated by themselves or by others. Used oil generators do not need to register as a used oil transporter if they transport:

  • 55 gallons or less of used oil,
  • in their own vehicle or an employee's vehicle, and
  • to a used oil collection center or to a used oil aggregation point.

Facilities that hold shipments of used oil for more than 24 hours and less than 35 days should register as a used oil transfer facility.

Facilities involved in the following should register as a used oil processor/re-refiner:

  • Chemical or physical operations designed to either produce fuel oils, lubricants, or other products derived from used oil.
  • Making used oil more suitable for production of fuel oils, lubricants, or other products derived from used oil.
  • Storing used oil more than 35 days.

Used oil processors/re-refiners need to report the amount of used oil processed during the previous two years by January 25th of each even year.

You should register as a burner of off-specification used oil if you have used oil that does not meet the used oil fuel specification requirement and must be burned in an industrial furnace, boiler, or hazardous waste incinerator. There are no reporting requirements for off-spec burners of used oil.

For more information, see our publication Used Oil Recycling (RG-325).