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Applying for Coverage under General Permit WQG200000

If your livestock manure compost operation plans to dispose of wastewater adjacent to water in the state, a permit is required. You may qualify for coverage under the Livestock Manure Composting General Permit (WQG200000).

TCEQ reissued the Livestock Manure Compost General Permit WQG200000, with an effective date of November 10, 2024.

If you own or operate a facility that composts livestock manure that is hauled in from elsewhere, you must obtain authorization before you dispose of wastewater from that operation adjacent to any water in the state.The following steps will help determine if you qualify for coverage under this general permit:

Step 1.

Read the Livestock Manure Compost General Permit WQG200000 to make sure it applies to your situation. The Fact Sheet  provides additional information about the general permit:

  • If the general permit does not apply, you must obtain an individual permit.
  • If the general permit does apply, continue to the next step.

Step 2.

Review your facility's compliance history ranking:

  • If your facility has a ranking of “high performer”, “satisfactory performer,” or "inadequate information," continue to the next step.
  • If the compliance history ranking is “unsatisfactory performer,” then your facility is not eligible for coverage under a general permit. You must apply for an individual permit instead.

Step 3.

If you wish to apply for coverage under this general permit, submit a notification package, which includes:

Step 4.

If you qualify for coverage under this general permit but would rather have and individual permit, you may request that coverage instead.

Provisional coverage under this general permit begins 48 hours after the NOI is postmarked.

We will review the NOI and will take one of the following actions:

  • If everything is acceptable, we will send you an acknowledgment letter to authorize your coverage.
  • If information is incomplete or missing, we will send you a letter requesting the needed information. You will have 30 days (about a month) to respond to this request.
  • If coverage has been denied, we will send you a denial letter.

Step 5.

After obtaining coverage under this permit, you will need to do the following to comply with your permit:

  • Keep a copy of the NOI and the acknowledgement certificate onsite.
  • Comply with the general permit requirements.
  • Complete all testing required by the permit. Keep testing records on site.
  • Notify us by letter if any facts relevant to the decision to approve coverage were not included in the NOI; the information submitted in the NOI was incorrect; or the information submitted in the NOI has changed. (If the change is a new owner or operator, you must terminate coverage as described below.)
  • Send us a Notice of Termination (TCEQ-20336) when all discharges authorized by the permit are eliminated or if the owner or operator changes.
  • Pay the annual water quality fee (see Part V of the permit).

Remember: Even if your operation no longer discharges wastewater, permit coverage will remain active until you submit a Notice of Termination. If your coverage is active on September 1 of any given year, you will owe a water quality fee for that year.

If you have questions, please see our Contact Page.