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Petroleum Storage Tanks (PST): Compliance Resources

Find out if your storage tank is regulated by TCEQ, how to register and self-certify your storage tank, how to prepare for an investigation, and what your requirements are for operations, monitoring, and reporting.

PST Basics

What is a Petroleum Storage Tank? – defines petroleum storage tanks, underground storage tanks, aboveground storage tanks, and petroleum products.

Exclusions and Exemptions from PST Rules – describes the conditions that may exclude or exempt your PST from the rules in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 334.

Aboveground Storage Tanks – discusses rule requirements for aboveground storage tanks.

Buying or Selling a Property with Underground Storage Tanks (RG-475a)

Petroleum Storage Tanks: Recordkeeping – discusses recordkeeping requirements for PST owners and operators.

Petroleum Storage Tank Super Guide (RG-475) - a comprehensive guide to issues relating to PSTs divided by subject into 14 modules.

PST Rule Summary – a summary of the 2018 UST rule changes.

Registration and Delivery Certificates

Registering and Self-Certifying Petroleum Storage Tanks – explains how to register and self-certify your PSTs.

Getting a Fuel Delivery Certificate – explains why you would need a delivery certificate, how to get one, and how to find a copy of yours online.

Investigations and Regulations

How to Prepare for an Underground Storage Tank Investigation – describes how to prepare for an investigation.

Agencies that Regulate Petroleum Storage Tanks – lists agencies that may regulate your PSTs and their contact information.

Operating Requirements

Spill and Overfill Prevention – find out about spill and overfill prevention and control for petroleum storage tanks (PSTs), including requirements, walkthrough inspections, testing, and recordkeeping.

Corrosion Protection – find out if your petroleum storage tanks (PSTs) need corrosion protection and what options there are.

Tank and Piping Release Detection – learn about release detection requirements, release detection inspections and testing, what to do if you suspect a release, and what records to keep for underground storage tank systems

Inventory Control – learn about inventory control for petroleum storage tanks, when it's necessary, how to do it, and what to do when it fails.

Stage I Vapor Recovery – an overview of the Stage I vapor recovery rules for owners and operators of gas dispensing facilities in Texas.

Stage II Vapor Recovery Decommissioning – common questions asked about Stage II vapor recovery decommissioning and their answers.

Disposing of Wastewater Contaminated with Petroleum – find out how to handle water used in groundwater pump tests, spill bucket and sump tests, cleanup activities from spills, and other activities that may cause contamination with petroleum substances.

Financial Assurance for PSTs

When Financial Assurance is Required

Financial assurance is the ability to pay for a cleanup of a leak or release from your underground storage tank (UST) system. It should be through an approved mechanism, such as insurance.

UST owners or operators must show financial assurance for corrective action and third-party liability. Corrective action covers the cost to remediate the effects of accidental releases from USTs. Third-party liability compensates others for bodily injury and property damaged by accidental releases from USTs.

AST owners and operators do not need financial assurance.

Financial Assurance Options

Approved types of financial assurance include:

  • Insurance or surety bond – obtained from an insurance agent.
  • Financial test – self-insurance used by large companies.
  • Corporate guaranty – self-insurance by a parent company.
  • Trust or letter of credit – through a bank or credit union.
  • Local-government financial test – self-insurance for local governments.

Whichever you choose, it must meet the requirements in 30 TAC 37, Subchapter I and wording must match rule samples exactly. Find sample documents under the attached graphic or figure of the applicable rule.

Installation and Removal from Service

Installing, Updating, or Removing PSTs – what to do when preparing to install, update, or remove a petroleum storage tank (PST); how to find a licensed contractor; and when to notify us.

Temporarily Out of Service Tanks – how to take underground storage tanks (USTs) temporarily out of service and the requirements for these tanks.

Underground Storage Tank (UST) Operators

Training for UST Operators (RG-475o) – discusses who must be trained as an operator, the responsibilities of each operator class, and training information.

Approved Training Courses for UST Class A and B Operators – class A and B operators must have completed a TCEQ-approved operator course listed on this page.

Small Business and Local Government Assistance

TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance section offers free, confidential help to small businesses and local governments working to comply with state environmental regulations. Call us at 800-447-2827 or visit our webpage at