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Operating a Surface Water Treatment Plant

Information about requirements that apply to surface water treatment systems and purchase water systems that receive untreated surface water.

Rules of Surface Water Treatment Plant (SWTP) Operation

Rules for Public Water Systems
Rules that apply to all public water systems (PWS) in Texas.

Operating a Public Water System
Rules, guidance, and information about operating a PWS.

Verify Water Operator License or Certification of a Water Operation Company
Verify a water operator's license or water operation's company certifications, and continuing education credits.

Long Term 2 (LT2) Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
Information about LT2 rules for your SWTP.

Treating Water by Designed Disinfection

CT Study Information
A Concentration-Time (CT) study is a formal determination of the disinfectant concentrations and the effective contact time provided by a water treatment plant. A CT study is required for each SWTP of each public water system. Find the information you need to prepare and submit a CT study.

Controlling Nitrification in Systems with Chloramines
How a PWS can detect nitrification and prevent the degradation of drinking water quality in a water distribution system. 

Monitoring and Reporting

Surface Water Treatment Violation Report Form and Instructions
Form to report surface water treatment technique violations to the TCEQ. 

Forms, Instructions, and Guidance for Surface Water Monthly Operating Reports
Each PWS that operates a SWTP to produce drinking water from surface water, or from groundwater that is under the direct influence of surface water (GUI), must submit monthly water treatment data to the TCEQ. 

Monitoring Plans and Lab Approval Information
All PWS must have a monitoring plan. All PWS must submit the Lab Approval form (TCEQ-10450) if they are analyzing turbidity, pH, temperature, TOC, UV, alkalinity, disinfectant, chlorite (at point of entry), calcium and/or phosphate.

Filter Reports for Individual Filters
Instructions and forms for submitting required information to TCEQ when a filter begins showing signs it is performing below required operational standards. The three types of reports are Filter Profile Report (FPR), Filter Assessment Report (FAR), and Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (CPE).

Water Treatment Plant Recycling Practices Report
All PWS that use surface water or GUI water must complete and submit a Water Treatment Plant Recycling Practices Report. 

Chlorine Dioxide Guidance

If your PWS uses chlorine dioxide (CLO2), you are required to analyze chlorine dioxide and record the results each day using the Chlorine Dioxide Monthly Operating Report (CLO2 MOR) TCEQ Form-00690 and using the CLO2 MOR Instructions. For more information visit Public Water Systems using Chlorine Dioxide or Ozone

Assistance and Helpful Links

Texas Optimization Program
Provides information on the requirements, benefits, and recognition of participating in the program for optimizing the operations of SWTPs.

TCEQ's Drinking Water Watch holds the information we have for your PWS and is open to the public. This has contact information, sample sites, sample results, violations, and public notice due dates.

Mandatory public notice language for all Surface Water Treatment Rule violations can be found at Public Notice Language for Drinking Water Compliance.

Courtesy Compliance Reminders for PWS Operators
Receive courtesy reminders for important PWS compliance requirements and deadlines by text or email.