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Concrete Batch Plants: Compliance Resources

Compliance tools for concrete batch plants in Texas. A concrete batch plant adds measured amounts of sand, cement, and gravel to a large mixing drum to prepare concrete mix. This mix is much like the bagged concrete you can buy at any home improvement store.

New: Submitting Relocation Requests

Effective September 1, 2024, you must submit all relocation and notification requests using TCEQ Form-20122 to the Air Permits Division (APD). Please note that although the Permit by Rule (PBR) and Standard Permit may include instructions to submit relocation and notification requests to your TCEQ Regional Office, these requests will now be handled by APD.

New: January 2024 Concrete Batch Plant Update

January 24, 2024: Amendments to Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants & Updated PI-1S-CBP Workbook.


The following air authorizations may be applicable to your concrete batch plant. You will need to either claim a Permit by Rule or apply for a permit for new or modified sources of air emissions.

Permit by Rule (PBR)

The following PBRs may apply to your facility if your total operations will emit less than the amounts listed in 30 TAC Chapter 106.4. You must meet all the established PBR requirements to claim a PBR.

To register for a PBR, refer to the Claiming a Permit by Rule webpage. The Tools section below has further guidance on how to obtain a PBR in our State of Texas Electronic Environmental Reporting System (STEERS). Be aware of recordkeeping requirements found in 30 TAC §106.4.

Standard Air Permits

Permits for specific, well-characterized classes of facilities. If a Standard Permit fits your operations, you may apply for permit coverage in STEERS. The review of your project will go faster if you provide all necessary documents and information requested in Form PI-1S-CBP and the Core Data Form (TCEQ Form-10400).

New Source Review (NSR) Permit

If you cannot qualify for a PBR or Standard Permit, then you must apply for a New Source Review Permit under 30 TAC Chapter 116.

Standard Concrete Batch Plant Permit Alterations, Amendments, and Renewals

If you plan to make any modifications to an existing permitted facility that affect emissions or controls, or renewal, submit the PI-1S-CBP (version 6.0). It includes all required tables and checklists. This form must be submitted via STEERS.

Current CBP Standard Permit registrations that have a renewal date prior to January 24, 2026 have the option to renew under the previous CBP Standard Permit (effective date September 22, 2021). Renewing under the previous 2021 CBP Standard Permit will only authorize operations for the facility until January 24, 2026. Applicants will be notified approximately 6 months prior to January 24, 2026, to renew their registration under the current 2024 CBP Standard Permit. If you are submitting a renewal application under the 2021 CBP Standard Permit, use version PI-1S-CBP (version 5.2).

Relocations and Notification Request for Standard Permit

For relocation and notification requests, owners or operators are required to provide the following to the Air Permits Division at least 12 business days prior to locating at the site:

Both forms can be faxed to the Air Permits Division at 512-239-1400 or mailed to:

Air Permits Division MC-163
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
PO Box 13087
Austin, Texas 78711-3087

Additional Resources for Air Authorizations and Compliance


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You must obtain TCEQ authorization before discharging wastewater, wastewater comingled with stormwater, and stormwater associated with industrial activities from ready-mixed concrete plants, concrete product plants, and their associated facilities.

Authorizations for Wastewater Discharges

Authorizations for Stormwater Discharges

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TCEQ has specific requirements for industrial and hazardous waste, used tires, used oil, and petroleum storage tanks such as registration, reporting, and recordkeeping.

Requirements for Industrial Hazardous and Nonhazardous Waste Disposal

Requirements for Used and Scrap Tire Generators

Requirements for Used Oil

Requirements for Petroleum Storage Tanks

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Aggregate Production Operations (APO)

If you own or operate a rock quarry, gravel pit, borrow pit, or similar APO in Texas, you must register with TCEQ.

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Emergency Response Information

TCEQ is not a first responder but can provide 24-hour support and guidance to facilities during emergency response to natural disasters and industrial incidents. TCEQ primarily ensures that facility owner/operators take appropriate action to identify, assess, monitor, and cleanup any unauthorized releases to the environment.

To report an environmental emergency, discharge, spill, or air release, contact:

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STEERS Guidance

All permit applications are submitted through STEERS.

TCEQ's STEERS Help Desk can help you solve technical problems with STEERS, such as regaining access to your STEERS account. Call 512-239-6925 or email

Small Business and Local Government Assistance

TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance (SBLGA) section offers free, confidential help to small businesses and local governments working to comply with state environmental regulations. Find your local Compliance Assistance Specialist, email, call us at 800-447-2827, or visit our webpage at

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