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Questions or Comments:

You Must be in Compliance with Child Support and TCEQ Fees to Receive a License

Individuals who are late with child support payments or have delinquent fees or penalties with the TCEQ, may be denied a license.

To receive a new license or registration, or to renew an existing license, you must be in compliance with child support payments, and TCEQ fees or penalties.

Child Support

If you are delinquent in child support payments, you must supply a certificate from the Child Support Division of the Attorney General’s Office, which states that you have entered into a repayment agreement or that the payments are not delinquent of the original court order or repayment plan.

TCEQ Fees or Penalties

The TCEQ does not issue, amend, or renew permits, registrations, certifications, or licenses to an entity or person who is delinquent on any penalties or fees.To find out more, please visit the Delinquent Fees and Penalties Will Affect Processing Your TCEQ Application web page.

Licensing Requirements

See information and requirements for a license.

For questions contact:
Phone: 512-239-6133
Fax: 512-239-6272
TCEQ Occupational Licensing, MC-178
PO Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087