Houston-Galveston Region BIG

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Status and Activities
I-Plan and TMDLs
Reports and Other Documents
Water quality testing found that bacteria concentrations are elevated in numerous waterways in the Houston–Galveston region. High bacteria concentrations might pose a risk to people who swim or wade in natural waters. Swimming and wading are called “contact recreation” in the state’s standards for water quality; the term refers to all recreation in which people are likely to swallow natural waters.
The goal of this project is to reduce bacteria concentrations and protect recreational safety. This project included 72 TMDLs for 60 waterway segments. Several TMDLs and segments have been added since the Implementation Plan was completed.
Watershed Counties: Brazoria, Harris, Fort Bend, Grimes, Liberty, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Walker, and Waller
Parameter: Bacteria
Get Involved
The Bacteria Implementation Group (BIG) is coordinating public participation in improving Houston-area waterways. Meetings of the BIG are open to everyone. Meeting records are available on the BIG’s website . Find out more about what it means to Participate in TMDL Projects.
San Jacinto River Authority
Houston-Galveston Area Council
Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Harris County
Montgomery County
Harris County Flood Control District
Harris County Soil & Water Conservation District #442
Buffalo Bayou Partnership
City of Conroe
City of Houston
City of League City
City of Webster
Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition
Nottingham Country
Municipal Utility District
Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority
Bayou Preservation Association
Galveston Bay Foundation
Greater Houston Partnership
Houston Audubon Society
Dodson & Associates, Inc./HCEC
Pate Engineers
The Woodlands Joint Powers Agency
Schwartz, Page, & Harding, LLP
LDP Consultants Inc.
Texas Coastal Partners
Lone Star College
US Geological Survey
Contact the TMDL Program
Please contact Steven Johnston, the Project Manager at the H-GAC, at 713-627-3200 or email Steven Johnston. You may also e-mail tmdl@tceq.texas.gov and mention the Houston-Galveston bacteria project in the subject line. Reach the TMDL Program by phone at 512-239-6682.