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TexAQS II Field Study: Archived Presentations

Archived presentation files from workshops, seminars and conferences related to the TexAQS Field Study.

TexAQS II participants held a workshop at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus, Austin, on May 29–June 1, 2007 to discuss the principal findings from data collected and analyzed during the TexAQS II field study, including questions related to Rapid Science Synthesis. Files linked from this page are in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Elliot Atlas

NMHC, Alkyl Nitrate, and Halocarbon Distributions from the NOAA WP-3D Aircraft during TexAQS II

Roya Bahreini

Measurements of Chemical Composition of Submicron Aerosols Onboard NOAA WP-3D during TexAQS II

Berko Sierau

Aerosol Optical Properties during TexAQS II - GoMACCS 2006

Brian Lerner

Small Marine Craft Emission Factors Observed from the R/V Ronald H. Brown during TexAQS II/GoMACCS 2006

Jerome Brioude

Mixing Between a Stratospheric Intrusion and a Biomass Burning Plume

Dan Welsh-Bon

Online VOC Measurements using PIT-MS on the Ronald Brown during TexAQS II

Eric Williams, Tim Bates

Overview of NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown Measurements and Activities During TexAQS II

Wengang Zheng

Aircraft Measurements of PANs during TexAQS II

Hans Osthoff

Nocturnal Nitrogen Oxide Chemistry on board R/V Brown

Arsineh Hecobian

Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in a CO-Producing Coal-Fired Power Plant, a non CO-Producing one and an Urban Plume

Janet Machol

Ozone and Aerosol Profiles from a Shipborne Lidar

Jim Roberts

PANs Observations from the NOAA R/V Ronald H Brown

Ludovic Bariteau

Shipborne Ozone Flux Measurements during TexAQS II

Lisa Darby

Comparison of the Urban Heat Island Signature of Two Texas Cities: Dallas and Houston

John .B. Nowak

Gas-to-Particle Conversion: Observations of Ammonium Nitrate Formation above Houston

Paola Massoli

The Optical Properties of Aerosols as Measured by Cavity Ring-Down Extinction Spectrometry during TexAQS II - GoMACCS 2006: Selection of Case Studies and their Implications for Air Quality and Climate

Jeff Peischl

An Examination of East Texas Power Plant Plumes

Dirk Richter

Preliminary Results of Formaldehyde Measurements during TexAQS II

Roberto Sommariva

Peroxy Radical Abundances and Ozone Production during TexAQS II - GoMACCS 2006

Ryan Spackman

In Situ Measurements of Black Carbon Aerosol during TexAQS II


Comparing Aerosol Properties with Actinic Flux Measurements during TexAQS II

Derek Coffman

Aerosol Size Distributions Measured Onboard Ronald H. Brown: Variability in Relation to Sources, Processing, and Meteorology

Sara Tucker

Ship-Based LIDAR Estimates of Marine Mixed Layer Heights during TexAQS II

Tara Fortin

Mercury Measurements Aboard the NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown

Jessica Gilman

VOCs Measured with a GC-MS Aboard the Ronald H. Brown during TexAQS II and their OH reactivity

Trish Quinn

Cloud Nucleating Properties of Aerosols during TexAQS II - GoMACCS 2006

Troy Thornberry

Measurement of Aerosol Organic Compounds during TexAQS II using a Novel Collection/Thermal-Desorption PTR-ITMS Instrument

Rebecca Washenfelder

Emissions of SO2, NOx, and CO2 from the Houston Ship Channel Measured Onboard the NOAA WP-3D

TexAQS II Rapid Science Synthesis Workshop: October 12–13, 2006

TexAQS II Update

Raj Nadkarni of the TCEQ gave a TexAQS II Field Study Update at the July 19, 2006 meeting of the Southeast Texas Photochemical Modeling Committee.

TexAQS II Intensive Field Study Meeting (April 18, 2006)

The Science Coordinating Committee held a meeting ( Agenda) to discuss the planning and logistics for the intensive period of the TexAQS II Field Study on Tuesday April 18, 2006.