All Nonpoint Source Projects
All NPS projects in alphabetical order by title
Title | Description | Image | |
Arroyo Colorado Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | A multitude of grant-supported projects implementing the Arroyo Colorado Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) throughout the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV). Projects involve low impact development (LID), water quality monitoring, and septic system remediation. | ||
Attoyac Bayou: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Projects to improve water quality by identifying and addressing issues with septic systems in the area draining to Sam Rayburn Reservoir. | ||
Bastrop Bayou and Double Bayou: Watershed Protection Plans Implementation | A project to provide coordinated, comprehensive outreach campaigns in six communities in the coastal zone of Texas to reduce fecal bacteria pollution. | ||
Big Elm Creek: Watershed Protection Plan Development | The Texas Water Resources Institute developed a watershed protection plan for Big Elm Creek. | ||
Brady Creek Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Upper Colorado River Authority is implementing best management practices to remove debris, sediment, and oil and grease from storm water in the City of Brady and to promote the restoration of Brady Creek. | ||
Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments: On-Site Sewage Facilities | Texas AgriLife Extension has conducted multiple projects to implement management measures from the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments including septic system remediation, education and outreach, and the development of an updated inventory of septic systems. | ||
Cypress Creek in the San Jacinto River Basin: Watershed Protection Plan Development | The Houston-Galveston Area Council developed a watershed protection plan for Cypress Creek, Segment 1009, in northwestern Harris County. | ||
Cypress Creek: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Texas State University’s Meadows Center for Water and the Environment performed low impact development activities and conducted education and outreach programs as part of implementing the Cypress Creek Watershed Protection Plan. | ||
Dry Comal Creek and Comal River: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Several grant-supported projects will implement best management practices to reduce pollutant loadings from urban wildlife and stormwater. | ||
Geronimo and Alligator Creeks: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Several grant-supported projects implemented the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Protection Plan through septic system remediation, bacteria source tracking, and extensive education and outreach programs. | ||
Healthy Lawns Healthy Waters Education Project | Texas Water Resources Institute is delivering "Healthy Lawns Healthy Waters" citizen training programs in watersheds with watershed protection plans. | ||
Joe Pool Lake: Watershed Protection Plan Development | Trinity River Authority and stakeholders completed a two-phased project to develop a watershed protection plan. | ||
La Nana Bayou: Watershed Protection Plan Development | Texas Water Resources Institute identified the causes and sources of pollution in La Nana Bayou and developed a watershed protection plan to address water quality issues within the watershed. | ||
Lampasas River: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and AgriLife Research are updating an existing septic system database and conducting septic system inspections, repairs, and replacements in the watershed. | ||
Lavaca River Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Texas Water Resources Institute supported implementation measures for the Lavaca River Watershed Protection Plan including outreach, education, and water quality monitoring. | ||
Leon River: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Texas A&M and the Institute of Renewable Natural Resources supported a Technical Assistance and Financial Incentive Program for Coryell County to replace or repair failing septic systems along the Leon River. | ||
Lower Laguna Madre (North & Central) Watershed Characterization | A multi-phased project which will identify existing data and data gaps to characterize the northern and central portions of the Lower Laguna Madre coastal watershed. | ||
Lower Laguna Madre (South) and Brownsville Ship Channel Watershed Protection Plan Development | Multiple projects were implemented in which water quality data was collected and analyzed to characterize the southern portion of the Lower Laguna Madre/Brownsville Ship Channel (LLMBSC) watershed and developed a watershed protection plan (WPP). | ||
Lower Nueces River: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | The Nueces River Authority is implementing the Lower Nueces River Watershed Protection Plan by remediating malfunctioning septic systems. | ||
Mission and Aransas Rivers Watershed: Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation | The Texas Water Resources Institute gathered additional water quality data to help prioritize activities in the Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Plan for reducing bacteria in the Mission and Aransas Rivers. | ||
Nolan Creek and South Nolan Creek: Watershed Protection Plan Development | The Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research and stakeholders characterized water quality in Nolan Creek and South Nolan Creek and developed a watershed protection plan for restoring the recreational use of the creeks. | ||
North Concho River: Bank Stabilization | A project to stabilize a 2,000-foot section of the banks of the North Concho River to reduce erosion, sedimentation, and bacteria and increase dissolved oxygen levels in the river. | ||
Plum Creek: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Several grant-supported projects that have implemented the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan through illicit discharge monitoring, low impact development, and conducting education and outreach programming. | ||
Rowlett Creek Watershed Protection Plan Development | A multi-phased project in which Texas A&M AgriLife Extension is collecting and analyzing water quality data for Rowlett Creek and will develop a watershed protection plan. | ||
Shoal Creek: Watershed Protection Plan Development | The Shoal Creek Conservancy developed a watershed-based plan for Shoal Creek in Austin. | ||
Sims Bayou: Riparian Restoration Projects | The Student Conservation Association, Inc. is restoring riparian habitat, leading volunteer events, and monitoring water quality at eight parks along Sims Bayou in the Houston area. | ||
Texas Stream Team Program: Statewide Volunteer Monitoring | Texas Stream Team coordinates a network of partner organizations and citizen scientists to increase the public's knowledge of water quality and nonpoint source pollution across the state. | ||
Tres Palacios Creek: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | The Texas Water Resources Institute conducted multiple projects to implement various management measures of the Tres Palacios Creek Watershed Protection Plan, which included education and outreach and septic system remediation. | ||
Upper San Antonio River: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Several grant-supported projects implemented the Upper San Antonio River Watershed Protection Plan through installation of low impact development features, stormwater monitoring, and extensive education and outreach programs. | ||
Upper San Marcos River: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation | Texas State University implemented management measures of the Upper San Marcos River Watershed Protection Plan, including hiring a watershed coordinator, installing demonstration NPS practices, conducting public outreach, reviewing local ordinances affecting water quality, and reviewing monitoring data for water quality trends. | ||
Urban Riparian and Stream Restoration Training and Demonstration | Texas Water Resources Institute is providing various professionals with training on restoring streams and riparian areas in major Texas urban centers and demonstrating restoration methods in eroding sections of creeks. | ||
Village Creek - Lake Arlington: Watershed Protection Plan Development | The Trinity River Authority and local stakeholders developed a watershed protection plan for Village Creek and Lake Arlington to address water quality concerns. | ||
West Fork of the San Jacinto River and Lake Creek: Watershed Protection Plan Development | The Houston-Galveston Area Council developed a watershed protection plan for the watershed of the West Fork San Jacinto River below Lake Conroe and characterizations of the Spring Creek and Cypress Creek watersheds. |